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V IL L A G E S .
Eastliam pstead â continued.
Diaper, James, Bagshot rd
Diaper, W illiam , Mill green
Douglas, Henrv, M ill green
Drew, F. E ., Easthampstead rd
Eatwell, Edward, engineer, W okingÂ
ham road
Foster, Henry, South hill park
Fowler, Charles, Stoney rd
Gale, Joseph, farmer, Manor farm
Gale, John and James, farmers, PeaÂ
cock farm
Godfrey, George, W est lodge, South
Goodchild, Richard, Easthampstead
Goodey, Thomas, 1The Green Man â
Goodyer, Charles, Nine mile ride
Gough, Arthur, builder, EasthampÂ
stead rd
Gough, Alfred, assistant overseer,
Easthampstead road
Gough, Charles, Near the church
Griffin, Frank, Near the schools
Hadrell, Inspector, Police station,
Halliday, Albert H., Bagshot rd
Hancock, Edward, Old Bracknell
Harris, Edward F., The Kennels
Harris, Frederick O., Church rd
Hawkins, Edward George, Bagshot
Hay, John, The Gardens, South hill
Hearne, Henry, Binfield road
Heath, John, The square
Herrington, James, Church rd
Higgs, George, Caesars camp
Hollings, Edwin, Burnt house lane
Holly, W illiam, Old Bracknell
Hounsell, Samuel, 1 v, Station Hotel
Howard, Henry, Crowthorne rd
Howard, Robert, Nine mile ride
Hurn, Charles, Bagshot rd
Ing, George, Bagshot rd
James, Alfred, Old Bracknell
King, John, Puddle dock
Lewington, George, Bagshot rd
Loader, James, Jenkins green
Lovegrove, Frederick, Old Bracknell
Lovington, Joseph, Easthampstead rd
Maidment, Thomas, baker, W okingÂ
ham road
March, J., schoolmaster, The School |
Marshall, Frederick, Bagshot road
Miller, Joseph, Bagshot rd
Millman, Henry, engineer, EasthampÂ
stead park
Moreland, A . E ., engineer, EastÂ
hampstead park
Morgan, Ernest, Bagshot rd
Newton, W illiam , Bagshot rd
Nightingale, Henry, Wellington lodge
Nowell, Henry W ., Reeds f ill
Noyes, George, Jenkins green
Parsons, John, Jenkins green
Pearce, A . J., steward, South hill park
W illiam,
Purdue, Edwin Charles, Church
Ranee, Charles, North Lodge, The
Rogers, W illiam H., Rectory farm
Sargeant, J. F ., Bagshot rd '
Sargeant, The Misses C.
V ., Calcot
Scott, John, Foresters cottage, EastÂ
hampstead park
Scott, John, Hatches lane
Seymour, Gilbert, Bagshot rd
Shepherd, Edward, Church rd
Stanford, George, Church rd
Stevenson, John, Martinville
Surman, Albert, The Square
Tarrant, James, Bagshot rd
Turvey, George, decorator, Bagshot rd
W ebb, Edward E ., Nine Mile ride
W ebb, W illiam , Longshot lane
Wherrell, Silas, Bagshot rd
W illis, Charles J., Jenkins green
W ise, James, Bagshot rd
W right, E. G., relieving officer, regisÂ
trar of births and deaths to the
Easthampstead Union, Wokingham
rd, Bracknell
E n glish L ea th er Boot RepairÂ
ing Co., 11 London st, 1a Queen's
Carriers return repairs same day.
(Belonging to Caversluun Parish)
fit. Barnabasâ Church