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riU N C IF A L

R E S ID E N T S .

■'Clarke, Joseph, 7 Castle crescent
Cheyney, Dr. G. H., The P r io ry
Clarke,M etford, Northville, ^ H a r r o ­
C hurch st, Caversham
gate rd, Caversham
C hild , Thomas H., 99 Connaught rcl
Clarke, Miss, 37 St. Bartholomew’s
C hilds, H a iry , 47 London st
C hilds, W illia m , 66 London st
Clarke, Mrs. Fanny, 349 London rd
C hild s, W illia m M., m . a ., P r in c ip a l
Clarke, Mrs. G., Cheltenham villa,
R ead ing U niv ersity College, Upper
School rd, Tile h u rst
Redlands road
Clarke, Mrs. S., 17 College road
Chilton, Thomas, Surley row, Cav
Clarke, Rupert Lew is, St. M ary ’s
Chivers, Thomas Grant, j . p ., The
Priory , 39 Bath rd
H ollow , 8 Derby road, Caversham
Clarke, AV. A., 31 Jesse terrace
C horley, M iss F . E . M. C., Beachy
Clarke, AA’ illiam , 14 Basingstoke rd
Head, 27 C lifto n park road, Cav
Chown, W illia m , Tokers green farm , Clatworthy, J. P., e . s c ., 12 N ew road
C la y , John, Glencoe, 22 N ew road
Kidm ore rcl, Caversham
Edm und
Christie, M rs. M., 19 Prospect st
Everton, 41 H am ilton rd
Christie, Wm. Robert, Rodborough,
Clayton, AV. 1L, Glengariff, 27 A lb e rt
Prospect st
rd, Caversham
Church, H enry F rederick, 132 F ria r st
Clayton, AVilliam, Chewton, 92 AA'okChurch, Thomas W., 8 Sidmouth st
ingham road
C hurchill, F ra n k J., Cranmere,AAroodCleave,AVilliam,The H ollies,12 A lbert
cote rd, Caversham
rd, Caversham
C hurchill, H enry A., 47 Ham ilton rd
Clegg, Rev. James AVhitehead, AAresClacey, A rth u r Henry, 10 Melrose av
leyan minister, AVesley manse, 84
Clacy, Ernest Henry, 70 London rd
Queen’s rd
Clacy, M iss Gertrude V., 17 BulClegg, A lfre d Deighton, 84 London rd
mershe rd
Clements, Geo. 45 Bartholom ew’s rd
Ciacy, Mrs. Harriet, Stradbroke, 74
Clements, Richard, 15 Rectory road,
London rd
Clapham, Chas. L., ITilcote, Oxford
Clemelson, Richard, 26 K e n d rick rd
rd, Tilehurst
Fenw ick,
Earsdon, 17
Claridge, C. W., 118 W h itle y st
C hristchurch gardens
C lark, A rth u r F., St. Cuthberts, 53
Clifford, Daniel, C lifto n house, HemA lexandra road
dean rd, Caversham
Clark, M iss A. D., 232 Oxford road
C lift, Gabriel, 60 Broad street
C lark, Charles Herbert, 96 Oxford rd
Clode, A rthur, Strathview, 6 ¡The
C lark, David, 8 W aylen st
Mount, Caversham
Clark, George, 18 M ilm an rd
Close, Mrs. A. M., W ashington house,
Clark, Jo h n W ilk in s, 3 Abbots w alk
172 AVantage road
Clark, Mrs. Emma, Roboro, N orth­
Close, H u g h Duncan, 30 AVestern
um berland av
E lm s avenue
Clark, H enry & Mrs. Jane, L ittle Lee,
Clover, H a rry Pearson, Upwey, 1
Basingstoke rd
P rie s t h ill, Caversham
C lark, Thomas, 76 A ddington rd
Clowes, Dr. Norton B., Aubrey house,
C lark, W illia m Henry, 15 Craven rd
27 Bath road
C lark, AVilliam R., 54 A ddington
Clutterbuck, AValtcr S., Briantlea,
4 Southcote rd
Clarke, A lb e rt B., Heathcote, GrosCoake, Jo h n H., 33 Russell st
venor rd, Caversham
Coale, AA7m. Frank, Cameron, O xford
Clarke, Dr. Fie lding , A m p th ill, C ra ­
ven rd
Coates, A rth u r George, 51 Broad st
Clarke, George, 325 London road
Coates, E d w in Lew is, 1 B lake’s lodge,
Clarke, George Thomas, Engleberg,
F o rb u ry rd
13 Prospect st