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R E S ID E N T S .

Coates, M iss A lice, East view, 10
H am ilton road
Coates, M iss Helen M., 7 W ilto n rd
Coates, M rs. H . M., 97 W antage rd
Coates, Robert S., 62 Queen’s rd
Cobb, Mrs. Edw ard, Calthorpe, 40
Redlands rd
Cobb, Joseph W ., Cloveley, W est­
wood rd, Tilehurst
C ockbill, Thomas W., 1 Norcot villas,
Cockburn, George, Chaumont, 36
Redlands rd
Cocks, Jo hn Frederick, Ivydene,
/ Shinfield rd
Coffee, Thomas, 98 W antage road
Cogman, Herbert, Bracondale, St.
A nne’s rd, Caversham
Cohen, Bert, 142 Tilehurst rd
Cohen, Marks, 17 Zinzan street
Cohen,Mrs. S.,Lansdown, 21 W estern
E lm s avenue
Cohen, Mrs. H enry E., Rosemary,
28 Mansfield rd
Cohen, Percy, Lon gford house, 301
Oxford rd
Coish, F . J „ 161 F r ia r st
Coke, Hubert, 71 W averley rd
Coke, Henry, 81 W okingham rd
Cojter, Jo h n V., 5 a Bulm ershe rd
Colbourn, S. C., 198 K .n g ’s rd
Cole, Fran cis J., M yxinia, 78 A lb ert
road, Caversham
Cole, M iss Ju lia , 13 Green rd
Coles, Charles, 309 O xford rd
Cole, Robert R., 36 W ashington road,
Colebrook, Percy, W insford, Northcourt av
C olebrook,W illiam M ., j . p ., Sunnyside
30 Craven rd
Coleman, Charles Bishop, Iioniton,
153 Northum berland av
Coleman, Henry, 15^Coley h ill
Coleman, Joseph, 45 B aker st
Coleman, Maurice, m . d ., Muttusmoor,
129 Castle st
Coleman, M rs. A.. 11 L o m e st
Coles, Charles, 97 Wantage rd
Coles, Joseph, Southview, Recreation
rd, Tilehurst
Coles, Mrs. A., 3 Transvaal terrace,
Recreation rd, Tilehurst
C o llie r, E., 3 Recreation rd, Tilehurst



C ollier, E d w a rd P., j . p ., W estgrove,
Grovelands road
C ollier, George W illia m , St. Owens,
82 E lm h u rst rd
C ollier, H enry J., 17 Alexandra rd
C ollier, John, 18 Lon don road
C ollier, M rs. M ary Rusher, 124 Cav­
ersham rd
C ollier, M rs. S. J., The Elm s, 12
Coley avenue
Collier, P h ilip O., Thames view, 13
Thames side
Collier, Samuel George, j . p ., Costow
house, B row nlow rd
C o llie r T. Staner, ^Stonevgate, 57
P rie st h ill, Caversham
C ollier, W illia m Edw ard, Darracott,
71 A lb e rt rd, Caversham
Collings, Major-Gen. W illia m A u g u s­
tus, N orbiton house, 11 M aitlan d rd
Collins, A rc h ib a ld G., Bowral,
Northum berland av
Collins, Charles, 22 Baker st
Collins, H enry Albert, St. Dunstan's,
56 W oodcote road, Caversham
Collins, Henry, Leopold house, 66
T ile h u rst rd
Collins, H erbert S., 35 Addington rd
Collins, John, Lynwood, 28 H am ilton
Collins, John, F lo w e r cottage, Surley
row, Caversham
Collins, M iss J., Llancroft, 25 A lb e rt
rd, Caversham
C ollins, Mrs., 1 Southcote rd W est
C ollins, Mrs. Charles, Stonham house,
Cockney h ill, Tilehurst
C o llins, W illia m , 11-12 G u n st
Collver, W illia m Islip , Surrey lodge,
C hristchurch road
C o lv ill, M iss Martha, 26 Jesse terrace
! Colycr, Thomas W in., 21 E ld o n sq
I Gombridge, Jo h n M artin, 13 E ld o n
Comport, George H., Dunolly, W o k ­
ingham road
Compton, H enry John, W altair, 31
H am ilton rd
Comyns, M iss E . & M iss G., 162
Castle st
Conners, J , II., Carisbrooke, 18
H arrogate road
Constable, M aurice H arold, 96 H am ­
ilto n road