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R E S ID E N T S .
RadclifEe, Miss Rose M., Colesberg,
Reely, Mrs. Elizabeth, 5 Carnarvon
8 The Mount, Caversham
Rain, John D., 94 Grovelands rd
Reeves, Alfred W illiam , Sidmouth,
28 Priory av, Cav
Raines, Herbert John, 289 London rd
Rains, John Evans, 9 Priory av, Cav
Reeves Frederick, Dorset villa, 105
Rainbow, H. G., 377 London rd
Caversham rd
Ralph, Albert, Berkdale, V ictoria
Reeves, George Henry, 45 NorthumÂ
rd, Tilehurst
berland avenue
Ralph, John T. L., 20 A rgyle street
Reid, Mrs. Macdonald, H olly bush,
Grosvenor rd, Caversham
Ralph, Mrs. Frederick, Ivanhoe, 15
W estern Elms avenue
Reinhold, Adolphus, Pentyre, 4
Ramshaw, Charles F., 41 Upper RedÂ
Bulmershe rd
lands rd
Rendoll, Alfred, 1 Castle st
Rand, John, 88 Oxford rd
Rendell, John Walrond, 539 Oxford rd
Randall, Samuel, 5 Shinfield road
Rentle, Henry T., 47 Baker st
Randle, Miss S. E., 103 Castle st
Revell, Frederick, 36 The Mount
Ranking, Dr. Geo. L., W hitley Cross,
Reville, Harold E., Kentwood villa,
2 Christchurch rd
Station rd, Tilehurst
Ransley, John Tigwell, Perrysfield, 6
Rev. James,
C onisboroâ avenue, Caversham
Inveresk, 22 Blenheim rd, Cav
Reynolds, Mrs. F. A., 160 London rd
Ratcliffe, Edward, 123 Wantage rd
RatclifEe, Mrs., L. H., 25 Eastern av
Reynolds, Sylvanus A., 62 London st
Ravenseroft, Ernest, Thornhill, 33
Reynolds, W illiam , 18 Argyle st
Mount st
Richards, Charles, Bar close, Henley
Rawbone, Arthur, 17 Sidmouth st
road, Caversham
Rawlins, Ernest, 11 Russell street
Rhodes, John, Belle-clair, 21 HamilÂ
ton rd
Rawlings, Alfred, W hinfell, 15 R edÂ
Rice, Rev. Bernard, South view av.,
lands rd, upper
Rawlinson, Rev. W illiam Morton, 50
Rich, William J., St. Fillans, St.
Western Elms av
Peter's hill, Caversham
Ray, Mrs Fanny, 122 Tilehurst road
Raymond, Mrs., Dunvegan, Albert
Richards, Cecil B., Bromham, W arÂ
wick road
rd, Cav
Richards, Charles R., Holmcroft,
Rayner, W illiam , Rose villa, RecreaÂ
Langley hill, Tilehurst
tion rd, Tilehurst
Richards, Thomas, 2 Basingstoke rd
Read, Albert Randell, W oodlands
Richardson, A. J., 29 Christchurch rd
villa, 32 Priest hill, Caversham
Richardson, Albert, Oxford villas,
Reading, Charles Alfred, Newlands,
Recreation rd, Tilehurst
Peppard rd, Caversham
Richardson, George II., 59 a CaverÂ
Reading, Francis J., 55 Minster st
sham rd
Rebbeck, Frederick Walter, LockRichardson, Mrs. A lice, Ordsal, 64
eridge, 108 Blenheim rd, Caversham
Tilehurst rd
Reddrop, Reginald T., Hillbrae, 40
| Ilichens, Herbert James, 3 Norcot
Harrogate rd, Caversham
terrace, Tilehurst
Redmon, Mrs. Mary, Elmwood, 1C
Richmond, Mrs., Nova villa, Victoria
Mansfield road
rd, Tilehurst
Redwood, Wm. 24 Talfourd av
Ricks, Frederick W . IT, 17 AddingÂ
Reece, Henry F., The Dell, 75 K id Â
ton rd
more road, Caversham
Ridgers, Lawrence, Annetta, 46 MilReed, George Henry, 8 Flemdean hill,
man rd
Ridley, Ernest W illiam, Greyfriars,
Reed, Richmond Lockley, 30 Eldon rd
15 Alexandra rd
Reeley, Herbert R. Norton, W hitley
Ridley, Joseph John, 15 Green rd
wood lane