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Benwell, The Misses, 19 Carey st
Benyon, L o u is John, W ild Oak, 112
H am ilto n road
B errell, Ernest W., Arcadia, B lu n ­
d e ll’s rd, Tilehurst
Berry, A rthur, 19 Brid g e st, Cav
Berry, E d w in Denis, 11 The Mount,
Southern h ill
Berry, Jam es J., 21 C ulver rd
Berry, Percy AVilliam, St. Woolos,
Grosvenor rd, Caversham
Berry, W illia m IL, 15 W aylen st
Best, W illia m , 102 Wantage road
Betteridge, Jo h n Henry, Tresco, 87
South V ie w avenue, Caversham
Betts, W illia m John, 196 Tile h u rst rd
Beverley, Fredk. W., 13 Carnarvon rd
Bevington, H arold John, 10 K id m o re
road, Caversham
Bevington, H aro ld John, 27 Melrose av
Bevis, F . W., 112 K in g 's rd
Bevitt, A rthur, Iv y cottage, 87 C h rist­
church rd
Bevitt, Octavius W illia m
H ig h cliff, N orcot rd, Tilehurst
Bibby, J. J., 25 Prospect st, Cav
AVilliam Byron, Sydney
lodge, 40 Prospect street
Biddulph, R ichard F . S., 10 Castle
Bidmead, W illia m , 44 A ddington rd
B id w e ll, A rth u r, Moorcroft, C intra av
Biggs, Samuel, 11 C hristchurch gar­
Biggs, Thomas, 333 London rd
B ig n all, Wm. Ernest, 25 Talfou rd av
Billett, George Henry, Glen Helen,
W a rw ic k rd
Billim ore, A rth u r, The Bungalow, 71
K idm ore road, Caversham
Bilson, AVm. Thomas, 3 T ile h u rst rd
Birch, H enry George, 39 Upper R ed ­
lands rd
B ird, M iss Caroline, 5 Coley h ill
B ird , Misses, E . F. and F., 5 Downshire square
B ird , Mrs., Shrubland, Pepper lane
B ird , M iss Louisa, 164 Castle st
B ird , M rs. Mary, Orleton, 2 Castle
B irre ll, Jo hn Henry, Malvern, 28
Blenheim road, Caversham
Bisell, W alter, 28 St.Bartholomew's rd
Bishop, Joseph David,23 B ru n sw ick rd

R E S ID E N T S .

Bishop, Thomas Bryan, Caine house,
31 College rd
Bishop, AVilliam, Highlands, Shinfield rd
Bisley, Thomas James, 3 Chester st,
Bjöm stad, Jorgen, Perranw ell, 50
AAToodcote road, Caversham
Black, W illia m Henry, Inglemere, 69
H am ilton road
Blackall, A lfre d T., Surbiton house,
8 B row nlow rd
Blackall, Charles, 20 Hemdean h ill,
B lackall, M rs. Thomas, 44 Baker st
Blackmore, Fran cis Ernest, H illsb o ro
house, 4 Glebe rd
Blackmore, Fra n cis AVilliam,
AATatlington st
B lackw ell, M rs. E m ily , 153 O xford rd
Blackw ell,
E., H 'llsid e ,
85 St.
George’s rd
Blackw ell, Mrs. F., 47 Addington rd
Blagrave, H enry Barry, Calcot P a rk
cottage, C hurch end, Tilehurst
Blake, Charles T „ 190 Caversham rd
Blake, Thos. Holmes, 28 Queen’s rd
Blandford, Jo hn Robert, H illsid e , 119
W antage road
Blandy, John, 9 Redlands road
Blandy, Mrs. F . J., Freem antle lodge,
17 Bath road
Blandy, AAUlliam Charles, 1 F r ia r st
Blatch, M rs. E . A ., Inglewood, 80
Bath road
B la x ill, AVilliam C., 228 Tile h u rst rd
Blay, James, Dalkeith, 10 Belle av
Blay, Mrs. Catherine, Stanton, 98
H am ilton road
Blay, Mrs. Hannah, 154 Oxford road
Blazey, Henry, 337 London road
Bletchley, Mrs. E., AVyndham house,
86 Crescent road.
Blissard, M iss Grace, 9 A’ictoria sq
Bloomfield, George Robert, H ighclere, 34 College road
Bloomfield, H arold, 41 St. Bartholo­
mew’s road
Bloomfield, M rs. C. E., Ferndale, 43
A ddington road
Bloomfield, Mrs. C. J. F., Brambles,
AArestwood rd, Tilehurst
, Blount, Mrs. S., Brynowal, 91 Blen!
heim road, Caversham