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Holloway, Wm., Y o rk house, 71 South
Holme, M rs. K . H . J., 10 C h rist­
church gardens
Holmes, Alfred, Oakhurst, 33 Priest
h ill, Caversham
Holmes, A lfred, 7 St. M ary ’s butts
Holmes, A rth u r P., The Cottage,
Berkeley avenue
Holmes, Edw ard, Lulw orth, 41 Bulmershe rd
Holmes, Jo h n W illia m , 205 Oxford
Holmes, M iss A., Queen A n n e ’s
School, Henley rd, Caversham
Holmes, M iss Elizabeth, 16 R u ssell st
Holm es-W alker,
W aver ley rd
Ilolstrus, Otto, 61 W hiteknights rd
Holt, John, 142 London rd
H olt, Joseph G., Northbourne, 23
M arlborough avenue
Holt, M iss J. E., 25 Church st, Cav
H olt, Thomas, Aerodrome, Basing­
stoke rd
Iloltom , M rs. K . A., 23 Jun ctio n rd
Holton, Josiah, Inglewood, 44 Priest
h ill Caversham
Home, Thomas, 30 W antage road
Hom fray, F re d erick W illia m , M arldon, St. A nne’ s rd, Cav
Honey, P h ilip Ed w in , 21 C hrist­
church rd
Honey, Jam es Wm., 222 T ile h u rst rd
Honeybun, Wm., Redroofs, Norcot
rd, Tilehurst
Hookham, George E., Iv y Dene,
10 Priest h ill, Caversham
Hooper, James Tapscott, Thom cliff,
25 M arlborough avenue
Hopcraft, E d w in , 62 W okingham rd
Hope, Dr. W . B., 2 P rio ry avenue,
Hopkins, A lb e rt H., 8 Melrose av
Hopkins, Charles James, Desmond,
Oakley rd, Cav
Hopkins, Herbert, 250 Oxford road
H opkins, Wm. Henry, 9 Ju n ctio n rd
Horne, Jabez Sharratt, Stradbroke,
17 Brunsw ick h ill
H ornib low , F re d erick Thomas, 23
H am ilton rd
Ilorsman, Ernest, H illsb o ro ’, Woodcote rd, Caversham

R E S ID E N T S .



Ilorwood, W illia m , 63 W h itle y st
Hoskins, F. T., E x w ick , 4 P rie st h ill,
Hoskins, W illia m II., 103 Southamp­
ton st
Hoten, Thomas, 75 Blenheim rd
H ouchin, Robert E . H., 145 O xford rd
Houghton, Anthony, Belmont, 35
C hurch road, Caversham
Hounsell, E d w in L., 12 A bbot's w a lk
Hounsom, F re d e rick George, A lto n,
32 Blenheim rd, Caversham
Hounsom, E . John, W ild oak, 3
Northum berland avenue
House, M rs. M ary J., Ilillc re s t, 21
Lo rn e st
House, W alter G ilbert, 4 Apgyle st
Houseman, Ernest W ., 27 Brisbane rd
Howard, Francis, Casanette, 65
Tile h u rst rd
Howard, Rev. F . J., Southwold, 7
E r le ig h rd
Howard, F re d erick W ., Rockbourne,
132 T ile h u rst rd
Howe, Rev. Jo h n E., Surley row,
H ow ell, W m . Roland, Goodrington,
14 Glebe rd
Howes, Alexander, 5 P a tric k rd, C av
Howes, Jas., 8 Bridge st, Caversham
How kins, C. E., E a rle y h ill, W o k ­
ingham rd
Ilow lett, Charles John, W a d w ick
house, 29 St. Peter’s rd
Ilowm an, W illia m 47 B aker street
Howse, Percy W illia m M aedowall,
Ly n d fo rd house, 17 Castle st
Hoysted, Mrs., W inderm ere, 17 M a t­
lo ck rd
Hubbard, Mrs. Elizabeth, 34 R e d ­
lands rd
Huckson, Robert, 90 O xford rd
Hudleston, M rs. Louise, H arley house,
35 H am ilton rd
Hudson, Percy Preston, 158 London
Huggins, A lfre d J., 14 Northum ber­
land avenue
H uggins, E d w in Tom, 26 W antage rd
Huggins, E rn est George, 40 W averley rd
Huggins, Robert, St. O laf, Holm es rd
Huggins, W illia m John, Thornilee,
27 Culver rd