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Dailey, Mrs. E . C., 31 Castle crescent
D alziel, James, 32 A ddington road
Daniell, M iss Nellie, 106 Basingstoke
Darbyshire, A rth u r E ., 218 Oxford rd
Darker, Miss, 20 Northum berland
D arling, C. W., Ambleside, 34 M atlock
rd, Caversham
Darmody, John, 2 Norcot villas, Tilehurst
D arn h ill, W illia m K., 76 Basingstoke
D a rn ill, W alter Richard, 16 Talfourd
Daubeney, Mrs., Pakefield lodge, 46
W estern E lm s avenue
Daughtry, Osmond, 16 Alexandra rd
Davey, Mrs. M. F., Helvetia, 46 K id more road, Caversham
Davey, Mrs. Peninnah, 9 Russell st
Davey, Robert, 130 Basingstoke rd
Davey, Robert Edw ard, sen., 393
London rd
David, Mrs. Mary, Gaisford, 11 C ar­
narvon rd
Davies, Christopher, Blenheim villa,
41 Blenheim road, Caversham
Davies, David, Linton , 21 Eastern av
Davies, David, St. Monica, St. A nne’s
rd, Caversham
Davies, E v a n Lloyd, Highlands,
90 Blenheim road, Caversham
Davies, H. A., 16 Northum berland av
Davies, James Henry, Cotmore, 75
Tile h u rst road
Davies, Jo h n James, 2 Northcourt av
Davies, Mrs. G., 6 Northum berland
Davies, Samuel Fredk., 19 E ld o n sq
Davies, W . J., 32 Market p i
Darns, A lfred , Woodside, 23 The
Mount, Caversham
Davis, A rthur, N o rfo lk vila, Recrea­
tion road, Tile h u rst
Davis, Edw ard, St. Ives, Newcastle rd
Davis, Frederick, 12 George st
Davis, Fre d erick Charles, L y ric
house, 308 K in g 's road
Davis, Mrs. G. II., Holmelea, 14 Bulmershe rd
Davis, George, 150 Caversham road
Davis, Jacob, Crom w ell house, 17
Eastern avenue

R E S ID E N T S .

Davis, James, 21 Jesse terrace
Davis, James, 121 Queen’s rd
Davis, M iss E., 5 Melrose avenue
Davis, M iss Hannah, 101 Wantage rd
Davis, M iss L ily , 12 George st
Davis, Mrs., 14 K in g ’s rd
Davis, Thomas, Clovelly, Hemdean
Rise, Caversham
Davis, W., Tintagel, W h itle y W ood
Davis, W alter, 119 Queen’s rd
Davis, W illia m , Craven villa, 22
Bulmershe rd
Davis, W illia m , 164 London road
Davis, W illia m , 185 W h itle y W ood la
Dawbney, Jo h n W., 20 College rd
Dawes, James, 127 Wantage rd
Dawson, J. H., Crescent rd, Tilehurst
Dawtrey, John, 339 London rd
Day, Charles Ernest, 49 Queen’s rd
Day, H arry, 9 Prospect st
Day, John, 8 W antage road
Day, John, Church end, Tilehurst
Day, M iss Ada, 245 Oxford rd
Day, M iss A lice, 17 M arlborough av
Deacon, E d w ard K., C liftonville,
25 C lifto n park road, Caversham
Deacon, John,. Rosapenna, 9 M a rl­
borough avenue
Deacon, W illiam , 33 W averley rd
Deacon, W illia m , Rose cottage, K id more rd, Caversham
Dean, Edm und A., 1 W averley rd
Dean, George, 113 Wantage rd
Deane, A rth u r Wm., 6 Russell st
Deane, Edw ard, m .r .c .S,. L.R.C.P.,
Hailey, 5 P rio ry av, Caversham
Deane, Frank, Woodlands, 77 K id more rd, Caversham
Deane, M iss Ada, 7 Zinzan st
Deane, M iss M iriam , Lynbrook,
31 Priest h ill, Caversham
Deans, H arold, Belford lodge, 13
Derby road, Caversham
Dear, Charles H., M ill house, Abbey
Deare, Col. F. A., Grosvenor lodge
Grosvenor rd, Caversham
Dearlove, Ed w in , 27 Christchurch rd
Deasy, John, 4 Norcot villa, Tile h u rst
D eB urg h ,W illiam George, 2 Southern
h ill
DeDoncker, Albert, Lennox, 5 Belle