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Jones, Charles, Ingledene, Grosvenor
road, Caversham
Jones, Fredk., 28 Upper Redlands rd
Jones, Harrison Hughes, 24 London
Jones, Harry, Conway villa, 43 South
view avenue, Caversham
Jones, Henry Daniel, 13 Castle
Jones, John IL, 103 Hamilton rd
Joiles, Miss, 15 Castle crescent
Jones, Miss Sarah Jane, 50 Z inzanst
Jones, Mrs. Esther, 34 Zinzan street
Jones, Nelson, 41 Kendrick rd
Jones, Richard William, 45 Green
Jones, Thomas M., 21 Wokingham
Jordan, A lfred Albert, Rosemead,
Northumberland av
Jordan, A lfred Clement, Whitsands,
16 New rd
Jordan, Mrs. Kate, 54 College rd
Jordan, Mrs. M. E., 4 Heath rd
Jordan, Mrs. M. L., W estwood, 21
Mansfield rd
Jordan-Smith, Benjamin, Briantcroft, Grosvenor rd, Caversham
Josey, Frederick, 96 W antage rd
Joyce, A. R., Springfield, Surley
row, Caversham
Joyce, Dr. J. Leonard, m .a ., 43 Cas­
tle st
Joyce, Horace B., Fenton, 89 South
view avenue, Caversham
Joynes, Fredk. J., 108 Wokingham rd
Jupe, Mrs. Lydia, Waverley, 35
Culver rd
Justins, Arthur, 157 Oxford rd
Justins, Stanley, 13 A rgyle st
Kearsev, Herbert Francis, Littlecot,
Northcourt av
Kearsey, Arthur W illiam, Burleigh,
51 Whiteknights rd
Keating, James Edward, 196 Caver­
sham rd
Keating,W illiam F., m .d., The Lodge,
43 Tilehurst rd
K edge, Stephen, 38-40 Castle st
K edge, Walter, 32 St. Bartholomew’ s
K eeble, Arthur, 20 Eldon rd

R E S ID E N T S .

Keeble, Frederick, 25 Denmark rd
Keeley, Miss Priscilla, 28 Carey st
Keep, W . II., 47 Christchurch rd
Keeping, Mrs. E., Eaglescarnie, 73
Blenheim rd, Caversham
Kelly, W illiam R., 66 Queen’s rd
Kemble, Mrs. H., 8 Southcote rd,
Kemp, Mrs. T., 32 W okingham rd
Kemp, W illiam Henry 31 Argple st
Kendall, Arthur V., EastcliSe, The
Warren, Caversham
Kendall, Thomas W illiam 37 Zinzan st
Kennedy, Duncan, 20 The Forbury
Kennett, A. J. S., 56 Minster st
Kenney, James, W estleigh, 36 Albert
rd., Caversham
Kenney, Rev. Horatio, Melrose, 10
Bulmershe rd
Kensington, Col. E. (late r . a . ) , Exton,
16 Erleigh rd
Kent, Harry G., Takasago, 30 Priory
avenue, Caversham
Kent, John W allis, Warren-Tor, 28
W oodcote road, Caversham
Kent, Tom Rowland, Loch Lomond,
307 Oxford rd
Kentish, Mrs. Kate, Cleveden lodge,
^ Coley hill
Keogh, Michael, 4 Brunswick hill
Kernan, Rev. J., M .R ., A bbey Ruins
Kernutt, W ilfred, 89 London st
Kerr, W allace, 112 Queen’ s road
Kershaw, Miss, Little Haven, North­
court avenue
Kew, George, 66 W atlington st
Key, Arthur James, The Firs, north,
38 Hamilton rd
Kidd, Mrs. Mary Ann, Brighton villas,
Recreation rd., Tilehurst
K idgell, Miss Eliza, 4 Castle crescent
Kill, Egbert, Maybank, 53 South View
avenue, Caversham
K ift, Charles, Pencoyd, 2 Darell rd,
Kift, Miss Lucy, Bentley, 46 W oodcote
rd, Caversham
Kilford, Joseph Henry, Roslyn, 88
P ell st
Kilpatrick, Mrs. Nellie, 116 Caver­
sham rd
Kimber, Mrs. Elizabeth, 22 Culver
K im ber,R obt, Downing rd, Tilehurst,