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V IL L A G E S .

Home and Colonial Meat Co. ; Vincent
Hunt, manager
Hudson, Arthur J., grocer, College
Hudson, J., carrier to Reading, Albion

Jam es, E. L., general and fancy
draper, etc. Dressm aking a
Speciality, Y o rk to w n road
James, W illiam, grocer

Jo lly, Claude, draper and out»
fitter, Yorktown rd
Kent, Frederick T ., baker and con­
fectioner, College Town
Ledger, Thomas, cycle manager, Pine
Lund, H ., ‘ Fox & Hounds ’
Marshall, II. & Co., bakers, Yorktown
Moss, Arthur W ., r.s.s., shoeing and
general smith
Napper, Vincent W illiam , baker and
grocer, Victoria house
Nash, George, confectioner, etc.
Oldham, George C., schoolmaster,
School house
Osborne, H., Rackstraw farm




W atts, Herbert, registrar of births
deaths, assistant overseer
Weaver, Jesse, manager of the St.
Michael's Club, secretary— G. J.
W ells & Co., drapers, New College rd
White, John, ‘ Bull and Butcher ’


E n glish Lea th er Boot Repair­
ing Co., 11 London st, 1a Queen’s
Carriers return repairs same day.

S H 1 N F I E L D (Berks).
(Including School Green.)
For remainder of Shinfield see
Spencer’s Wood and Three Mile

4\ miles from Reading. P ostal
district, Reading. Area 4,313
acres. P opulation — 1911, 2,372.
E arly closing— W ednesday 1 p.m.

Sm ith , George, F a m ily B u tcher. Poulterer, and F is h ­

County Councillor— Hy. Goddard
District Councillors— Messrs. F. C.
Bullingham and Charles Aldridge
Parish Council— Mr. C. Aldridge
(chairman) ; A . T. Pooley (vice-chair­
man) ; Messrs. J. Rowe, L. Domone,
W . Benham, W . G. Alexander, W .
Kernutt, H. E. Cole, S. Pennington,
R. Curtis, F. C. Bullingham ; Clerk,
Henry Goddard.
The Parish Church, St. Mary’s,
Vicar— Rev. H. Llewellyn Rice, h . a.,
Church School, School Green—
Pooley, Arthur, headmaster
Post and telegraph offices at School
Green, Arborfield Cross & Spencer’s
W ood are the nearest money order
Deliveries, School Green,
7.20 a.m. and 12.50 p .m .; Sundays,
7.20 a.m. Despatches, 8-25 a.m.,
1.30 & 7 p.m. Sundays, 12.30 p.m.
Deliveries, Three Mile Cross, 6 a.m.
11-25 a.m. & 6-55 p .m .; Sundays, 6
a.m. Despatch, 1 1 -3 0 a.m . & 3-25
p .m .; Sundays, 7 p.m.
Early Closing 1 p.m. on Fridays.

Storror, Henry, 1 v, ‘ The Jolly
F arm er’
Sweet, Arthur, butcher
Tice, Charles, bootmaker

Aust, Arthur D., Shinfield road
Beever, V . M. Holt, The Grove
Brewer, W illiam , o.c., Hyde end lodge
Cobham, Mrs., Shinfleld Manor

Over Bros., Millers, Corn and
Tim ber M erchants, Sand hurst Mills. — ’ Phone 28
Payne, Bros., builders, Little Sand
Pearce, A . J., schoolmaster. Rose villa
Pitchell, H ., jobmaster
fly proprie­
tor Gordon Stables
Pitman, Charles, newsagent and g d
Purvey, Mrs. W illiam, 1 v, ‘ W elling­
ton Arms ’
Salter, Frederick, police sergeant
Sheppard, Thomas W illiam, York­
town rd
Simpson, Thomas
Son, shoeing
smiths, cycle engineers
Smallbone, George E ., chimney
sweep, New College road


