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Harrison, Mrs., 113 St. Peter’s road
H arrison, Mrs. J., 19 Mansfield rd
Harrison, M rs. E m ily Gertrude, 29
Jesse terrace
Harrison, George W illia m , Ramsbury, Shinfield rd
H arrison, Rev. Percy N., m . a ., b . d .,
Fa irlig h t, 9 Denm ark road
Hart, Fred, 81 AVhiteknights road
Hart, H enry John, Chedistoii, 25
U p p er Redlands rd
Hart, John, 29 Coley h ill
Hart, M rs. Robert F., Cyprus villa,
east, 11 Castle crescent
Hart, Robert, 44 M elrose av
H art-Sparling, Mrs., G lym pton 38
A lb e rt road, Caversham
Ilart-Svnnot, Ronald, Thornw ick,
Northcourt avenue
Hart, W illia m , 144 O xford road
Harvey, H enry J., H ighgate villas,
V icto ria rd, Tilehurst
Harvey, M rs. Charlotte, 13 M aitland
Harvey, Tom, M arquis of Gransby,
Lon don rd
Harvie, M rs. Mabel, 10 A rg v le street
Hasker, W illia m , 93 Lon don rd
Haslam, Dryland, W arren house, St.
Peter’s avenue, Caversham
Haslam , Dryland, jun., Serai, 11
Craven rd
Haslam, James, Bulford, St. Peter’s
av., Caversham
Haslam , M iss Margaret, C in tra lodge,
Christchurch road
Hatch, Henry, Lo n g Cottage, Bas­
ingstoke rd
Hathaway, M rs. E liza b e th ,B ra m le y
27 H ighm oor road, Caversham
Hathaway, Raymond, 15 Prospect
H atherall, T. J., 5 Lim e Tree villas,
N orcot rd., T ile h u rst
Hatherell, W illia m Snowden, H ills ­
borough, Grovelands rd
Hatto, Hubert, Mayfield, K idm ore
rd, Caversham
Hatton, Frederick, Muscotte cottage.
17 Cham pion road
Hawes, A rth u r James, 75 B aker st
Hawes, Geo. Ed w ard , 7 Newcastle rd
Hawke, Capt. W., r . n ., Maryland,
W estwood rd., Tile h u rst

R E S ID E N T S .

Hawker, Charles, Frethern, 20 U pper
Redlands road
Hawker, The Misses, 174 Castle st
Hawker, W illia m , 298 O xford rd
Hawkes, Ernest, 31 St. Peter's rd
Hawkes, Frank, H ighbury, 17 Green
Hawkes, M iss L., Colston, W a rw ic k rd
Hawkes, M rs. J. H., 49 Lon don road
H aw kins, Douglas Hugh, 126 Castle st
H aw kins, H erbert L., 38 Th e Mount
Hawkins, Francis, m . d ., 73 Lon don st
Hawkins, F re d Geo., 221 London rd
Hawkins, George, 29 Southampton st
Hawkins, George H., Rhonallea, 1
Mansfield road
Haw kins, Hugh, Rotherfield grange,
C l Bath rd
Haw kins, J. F., Calcot Hangers,
Cockney h ill, Tile h u rst
Hawkins, Jas. Thos., Grovewood, .
Grove h ill, Caversham
Hawkins, Jo h n Charles, South V iew ,
D arell rd, Caversham
Hawkins, Jo h n Luther, 13 The Mount
Hawkins, W illia m , 30 H am ilton rd
H aw tin, E d w in Herbert, Brockville,
Basingstoke rd
Hay, Mrs. E lle n and M iss Mary,
Jacolines, 1 M arlborough avenue
Hayden, M rs. E., 40 Queen’s rd
Hayden, Charles James S., Ilsley,
Northum berland av
Hayes, Charles, Rosmead, 44 Woodcote rd, Caversham
Hayes, George, Dean Cottage, Dean’s
rd, Caversham
Haynes, M iss E., Northdene, 70
H am ilton rd
Haynes, Reginald F., Yoho, Woodcote
rd, Caversham
Haynes, W illia m , 11 V icto ria sq
Hayter, Charles, 73 P e ll st
Hayter, W ilfre d, Llanberis,M organ rd
Hayward, A rth u r H. P., Ravenscarre,
8 Talfou rd av
Hayward, Jabez W., 134 Castle st
Hayward, Miss, Belsize, Northcourt
Hayward, The Misses, 115 London rd
Hayward, Stanley, Hazelwood, 13
K e n d ric k rd
Hayward, Thomas, Heathfield, 201
ICing’s rd