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V IL L A G E S .






A w a r d s 1 9 1 3 — 8 G o ld M edals, 6 S ilv e r C u p s, F o u r S ilv e r G ilt M edals
an d o ver 100 other 1 st P rizes. (See ad vertisem en t, p a g e s * 1 1 4 a n d * 1 1 5 ).




The Ecclesiastical Parish consists
of portions of the old Liberties of
Whistley, Broad Hinton and W in nersh. The registers date from the
year 1583
Church of England, dedicated to
St. Nicholas.— Vicar, Rev. E. Broome.
Services:— Sundays, at 8 and 11 a.m.,
3 and 6 p .m .; Daily, 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Churchwardens :— Messrs. Harcourt
J. Roe and J. W hite ; Parish clerk
and sexton, Alfred W illiam White.
District Councillor— Mr. R. Biggs
Parish Council— Messrs. A . Mackey,
(chairman),R. Biggs, W . W icks, J.Bye,
A . J. K in g ,W . C. Johnson & J. White
Voluntary School— Master F. E.
C h ild ; Girls’ mistress, Miss E .
W in n y ; Infants mistress, Mrs. Record
Post Office — Wokingham road.
Letters delivered 7 a.m. and 12-10
p .m .; Sundays, 6.45 a.m. Despatched
week-days, 10.35 a.m., 3 and 7.35
Sundays 9.45 a.m.
parcels post office and telephone call
office.W. F. E . Newberry, postmaster.
Branch post office, Davis st, deliveries
8 a.m. and 1-0 p .m .; Sundays, 8-30
a.m. Despatches, week-days only, 10
a.m., 2.30 and 7 p .m ; Sundays 8 a.m.
Parcel post office— William Riches,
W orking Men's C lu b —John White
Ambrose, W illiam, Park view
Andrew, Mrs. J. G., Oakley cottage
Barker, Col. Frederick George, Stanlake house
Broome, Rev. Edmund, vicarage
Castell, Edward Lailey, The Firs,
Dunt lane
Cobham, Mrs. R. G., High Chimneys
Fewster, Chaiies, The Elms, Lodge
rd, Whistl ;y Green

m .c.n .rs.,



Finch, Mrs. and Miss, Hurst grove
Friedrich, Baroness
Godsall, Edward P * W innersh lodge
Godsall, Capt. W illiam, Haines hill
Haig, Thomas, Hinton house
Kirk, Mrs., The Orchards
Lyster, W . G ., Frogmore
Mackey, Archibald J., k . c ., Hurst
Mackey, Misses, Hinton lodge
Martineau, Philip, Hurst Lodge
Mellor, James, The Woodlands
Medcalf, Mrs., Keyer’s Bridge farm
Raikes, Colonel, Bill hill house
Roe, Harcourt J., Hovendon house
Roupell, Captain G. C., The cottage
Rouse, Mrs. E. A ., Darndon house
Warner, E . Guy, Hurst Grange
W illey, Leonard A ., The Bungalow
Adey, Mrs. G., The Buttercups, Con­
valescent home
Ambrose, Charles, Green lane
Biggs, R., Dunt lane farm
Bonner, W illiam, cycle dealer and
carrier, Claremont villa
Bowyer, W m ., Murrell Green farm
Brain, John
Brooks, Thomas, Park road
Brown, W m , farmer, W ards Cross
Bullock, G., 1 v, ‘ Halfway House’ Inn
Bullock, Samuel II., baker and grocer
Chalker, John, grocer— ’Phone 11
Chapman, Alfred W ., Ivy cottage
Childs, Francis E ., schoolmaster

Clarke, Alfred, Ironmongery,
Oil, Colourman, Glass, and
China Sto res. — Adjoin ing
post office
Clarke, Charles Stanley, milk pur­
veyor, Aylesford villas
Cottrell, Alex, Davis street
Cox, A ., smith and bellhanger
Crocker. Albert, 1 v, ‘ Old Crown,’
Dunt lane