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Hannington, M rs. Mary, Sheringham,
H a ll, Robert, 80 Oxford rd
12 W oodcote road, Caverham
H a ll, Robert, Exbury, St A n d rew ’s
Hanson, M iss A., F airfie ld , Recrea­
road, Caversham
tion road, Tile h u rst
H a ll, Wm., 2 M oreland villa, B lu n ­
Hanson, John, South V iew , 34 Conisdells road, T ile h u rst
boro’ avenue
H a ll,
W illia m ,
W ellington,
Hanson, M iss E llen , 192 K in g ’s rd
W estern E lm s av
Hanson, P h ilip , Dalbury, 33 ConisH alliaay, A rth u r Henry, 13 Coley h ill
boro’ avenue, Caversham
Ilalpin, Rev. A rth u r N eville, 125
H anwell, James, Sydney house, 133
Castle street
W antage rd
H am blin, Henry, Burford, 6 Uplands
H arbor, Charles S., R ed House, 25
road, Caversham
Kid m o re road, Caversham
H am bling, W illia m G. A., Forest
H arding, Ebenezer, Crookstone v illa
house, 60 Queen’s rd
6 Berkeley av
H am bling, W illia m R., 9 St.BarthH a rd in g , George, 114 Beecham rd
olomew’s road
H arding, W illia m , 39 Z inzan st
Ilames, H erbert E., Burford, U p ­
Harington, Rev. Dallas, h . a ., 9 H am ­
lands rd, Caversham
ilto n road
Ham ilton, A rth u r, Rose villa, 75
Ilarker, M iss F., C ranford, W est­
London rd
wood road T ile h u rst
Ham ilton, M iss K . A., A rlin g fo rd ,
Harkness, M ark, 22 M elrose avenue
8 Blenheim road, Caversham
Harman, Charles J., 26 Ju n ctio n rd
H am ilton, Rev. James, A rlin g fo rd ,
Harm s, J., 2 Iv y villas, School rd.,
8 Blenheim road, Caversham
Hamlet, A rth u r J., Connemara, 13
Harms, M rs, S. E:, Pyrford, 25 P rio ry
P rie st h ill, Caversham
av., Caversham
Hamlet, M alcolm Robert, 121 Castle st
Harold, A rthur, 249 Lon don rd
Hammans, H. H., 34 Zinzan st
H arper, Rev. W alter Hugo, St.
Hammond, Henry, Richm ond cottage,
George's vicarage, G rovelands rd
29 Carnarvon rd
Harper, W illia m , 187 O xford rd
Hammond, B. Herbert, 9 Broadway
H arrin gton, Frederick, 37 Lo rn e st
buildings, Station rd
H arrington, G., A rm our rd., T ile h u rst
Hammond, Misses, Thorncroft 32
H arrington, L., Lynton, 64 C onisboro’
Kidm ore road, Caversham
avenue, Caversham
Hampshire, Rev. K . H., 35 K e n d ric k
H a rris, A rthur, 102 Broad st
H arris, Augustus George, W interHampton, A rth u r Samuel, Dittisham,
dyne, 4 C hristchurch gardens
63 T ile h u rst rd
H arris, Chas., Fram pton, 83 Blenheim
Hampton, Samuel, 163 Oxford rd
rd, Caversham
Hanbury, M rs. Oakland H a ll, 63
H arris, Charles H., Glenmore, 15
Bath road
B ru n sw ick h ill
Hancock, Tom, Elsdon, Iiemdean rd,
H arris, David, 9 P a tric k rd, Cav
H arris, E d w a rd James, 46 London st
Hands, Ernest A., Side view, Berke­
H a rris, George, 1 Recreation road,
ley avenue
T ile h u rst
Ilankin, Rev. D. B., M ildm ay cottage,
Hands, J., The Laurels, 7 Belle av
55 C hristchurch rd
H a rris , H a rry P., 94 W okingh am rd
H anks, Capt. W illia m , Maryland,
H arris, John, Coley P a rk farm
W estwood road, T ile h u rst
Harris, Lloyd, 26 St. Bartholom ew's rd
H annaford, Misses F . and A., Kiveton,
H arris, M iss Sophia, Prospect rise,
4 B elle avenue
29 Prospect st
Hanney, M rs. D. T., 14 H am ilton road |
Harrison, John, D arrin gto n house, 11
Hanney, M rs. H enrietta, 300 Oxford
Norwood rd