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Barfoot, Charles, 31 C hristchurch rd
Barham, Cecil, 88 K e n d ric k rd
Bargery, Edw ard, 262 K in g ’s road
Barkas, H erbert A., Rathmines, 25
Th e Mount, Caversham
Barkas, H enry Dawson, a . r . c . a ., 70
Lon don st
Barker, Chas. Thomas, Daruth, .St.
A nne’s road, Caversham
Barker, Ernest J. W., 11 Jesse ter
Barker, Fredk. J., F a ir Glen, Cres­
cent rd, Tilehurst
Barker, Mrs. Annie, 11 A bbot’s W a lk
Barker, Sydney, 13 Eastern avenue
Barkus, Wm. J., 67 Caversham road
Barkham, The Misses, Lind u m house,
110 London st
Barkshire, Mrs. Samuel, Ham ilton
lodge, 87 H am ilton rd
Barlow , Chas. Joseph, Oaklands,
South view avenue, Caversham
Barlow , W m . Geo. Leecroft, 5 Hemdean road, Caversham
Barlow, Wm., 7 Zinzan street
Barnard, Frank, 43 Lorne street
Barnard, Frederick, Briardeno,
W a rw ic k rd
Barnard, F re d erick J., Clue h ill,
49 Blenheim rd, Caversham
Barnard, Stuart, The W ilderness,
Pepper Lane
Barnard, W illia m , Dorset villas, 128
O xford rd
Barnes, Mrs. E llen , 7 New rd
Barnes, Ernest, 29 A d d ing to n road
Barnes, W alter, Kem nal, Grosvener
rd, Caversham
Barnes, W illia m James, 6 Prospect st
Barnett, A rth u r Geo., 3 3 a Prospect
st, Caversham
Barney, Chas., Yosemite, Shinfield rd
Barningham , Mrs., W illia m , Calcot
Rise, T ile h u rst
Barrett, H a rry John, 53 St. Bartho­
lomews rd
Barrett, M rs. E m ily , Ilchester, 23
U p p er Redlands rd
Barrow, Mrs. A . R . M., E lm View,
Coley av
Barten, H aro ld T., 64 Redlands rd
Bartholomew, A rth u r C hurchill, m .a .,
P a rk house, Parkside rd
Bartlett, H enry A. D., 85 Blenheim rd
Bartlett, H enry P., 17 W h itle y st

R E S ID E N T S .

Bartlett, John, 24 Prospect st
Bartlett, Mrs. Sarah, Cassiobury, 99
London rd
Bartlett, Nathaniel James, 1 Greyfriars road
Bartlett, W illia m John, Rosslyn, 44
H am ilton rd
Barton, A lfre d George, Wykeham,
P r io ry avenue, Caversham
Barton, A rthur, Mavaro, A rm our rd,
Barton, M rs. Clara, Carrara, Wood■cote rd, Caversham
Barton, Douglas, G., Estevan, A r ­
mour road, Tilehurst
Barton, F ra n k A lbert, New'lands,
37 Church road, Caversham
Barton, W illia m G , Boscobel, 3
Brisbane rd
Barton, W illia m W., Brenchley,
Crescent rd, Tilehurst
Basden, C e c il Edw ard, 91 Grange av
Basden, M rs. IC., 112 Caversham rd
Baseden, W illia m Henry, 20 Morgan
Baskett, M iss Fanny, 32 The Mount
Baskett, M iss J. E., 78 Basingstoke
Baskett, Thomas E., 30 The Mount
Bassett, Mrs. A., 70 Queen’s rd
Bastin, A lfre d IT., Wensley, 7
Upper Redlands rd
Bate, Mrs. Hannah, V icto ria road,
Bateman, George Champion, The
Nest, 69 K idm ore rd, Caversham
Bateman, Percy, m . d ., 78 Southamp­
ton st
Bath, Miss, 15 Castle Crescent
Bath, W illia m , 14 E ld o n rd
Bathurst, A rth u r C., 170 Caversham
Batho, Misses E . and F., Greenhill, 65
H am ilton rd
Batt, Joshua Clement 28 W antage rd
Batten, E d w ard P h ilip , St. M argaret’s
45 Tilehurst rd
Batten. George, 64 College rd
Bavin. M iss Marv, Ilackford, Oak
Tree rd, Tilehurst
Bax, Rev. A lfred , The Cottage, 4
W oodcote road, Caversham
Bayley, M iss Charlotte, A u ric u la
villa, 18 H am ilton rd