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p r in c ip a l
Burgess, William, Westgarth, Oak
Tree road, Tilehurst
Burgess, William H., Southcote lane
Burgis, Miss Margaret, Silverdale,- 51
Alexandra rd
Burkett, Edwin, Corbie, 3 Priest hill,
Burling, James, 25 Kingsgate st
Burn, F.W.',Domarin, 114 Hamilton rd
Burnett, MissM. G., 92 London road
Burney, Herman, b . a . , 47 Kendrick
Burnham, F., 43 Kingâs rd
Burnham, James, Ladysmith, 14
Western Elms avenue
Burnham, James, Rusthall cottage,
Southcote lane
Bun-, Edward C., 241 London road
Burrett, Mrs. Isabella, 14 Junction rd
Burrett, Sidney E., 8 Prospect st
Burridge, Albert, 132 Oxford road
Burroughs, Robt. James, 21 Russellst
Burrows, Harry J., 37 King's rd
Burson, Mrs. Susannah II., Holmwood, 15 Denmark road
Burt, Ernest, 365 London rd
Burt, Simon, Calvados, 42 St.
Bartholomewâs rd
Burtenshaw, John M., St. Catherineâs
11 Kidmore rd, Caversham
Burton, Albert, 31 Zinzan st
Burton, Frederick, Sunnyside, 3
Eastern avenue
Burton, Harry, Devonia, 10 Matlock
road, Caversham
Burton, John, 14 Thames side
Burton, Mrs." George, 42 Hitman rd
Busby, Levi, Spes Bona, 29 South
view avenue, Caversham
Buscot, Rev, IV., 1 South view av Cav
Bushnell, Alfred, 56 Watlington st
Buss, Richard, Paardsberg cottage,
105 Blenheim road, Caversham
Buswell, Edward, 26 Prospect st Cav
Buswell, Mrs. Bessie, Southwold, 7
Erleigh rd
Butcher, Jesse Wm., 44 Bulmershe rd
Butcher, Mrs. Joseph Simpson, Headingley, Albert rd, Caversham
Butcher, Thomas D., 14 Eastern av
Butcher, Thomas, 82 Grovelands rd
Butler, Arthur, Kedleston, 79 BlenÂ
heim road, Caversham
R E S ID E N T S .
Butler, Arthur C., 27 Junction rd
Butler, Benjamin H., 18 Morgan rd
Butler, Charles, 239 Oxford rd
Butler, Charles II. J., 64 Queenâs rd
Butler, Ernest, Brockley, 26 Priory
avenue, Caversham
Butler, Frank, 134 Oxford rd
Butler, Harry, Fairholme, 208 Tile,
hurst rd
Butler, Henry W. T., 150 Londonrd
Butler, John, Hampton lodge, St.
Peter's hill, Caversham
Butler, S. Illingworth, 42 Bath rd
Butler, Samuel, 226 Tilehurst road
Butler, Miss Emily, 35 Christchurch
Butler-Walker, Miss M. N., Woodleigh, Grove hill, Caversham
Butler, Walter, 96 Chatham st
Butler, William, 40 Waylen st
Butler, William, 5 Broad st
Butler, William Edward, Hayling
house, 293 Oxford rd
Button, John W., St. John's, 22 Priest
hill, Caversham
Buxton, Mrs. Mary, Beaconsfield, 33
Derby road
Byatt, Miss Ellen Rebecca, 1 Junction
Byers, Miss Margaret, 28 College rd
Byham, Cyril M., Ashcroft, 90 Albert
road, Caversham
Caffin, The Misses M. C. and E. B.,
20 Jesse terrace
Cailes, Henry, 16 Waverleyrd
Caines, Miss A. M., 29 Melrose av
Cairns, Edward Wilson, 29 Priest
hill, Caversham
Caister, Frank Charles, 84 Bulmershe
Caister, Miss Mary, 24 New rd
Caldecott, Rev. W. B., Ye Hutte,
Grosvenor road, Caversham
Calder, James, 40 Melrose av
Callas, Alfred, Lexden, 60 Bath rd
Callas, Edmund, Lyndhurst, 35 Albert
rd, Caversham
Callas, Harry, Drayton lodge, woodcote road, Caversham
Callas, Mrs. George Frederick, IB
Tilehurst rd
Callender, Milton Romaine, 78Southampton street