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R E S ID E N T S .
Dicken, Miss Mabel, 7 Lome st
Dicker, Edmund F., 14.4: Caversham
Dickinson, AValter, Leighton Hall,
The Warren
Dickinson, W. Noel, 3a Cheapside
Dickson, George, Maisonette, 17 Hemdcan rise, Caversham
Diggory, Capt., J. C., "299 London rd
Dimbleby. Walter Matthews, Hughenden Rise, 29 Craven road
Dipper, Sydney Newman, 361 LonÂ
don road
Dix, Harry, Woodford, 28 South view
avenue, Caversham
Dix, Mrs. Thomas, Gosbrook house, 7
Gosbrook st, Caversham
Dixon', Henry Newton,, Castle
hill house, 160 Castle street
Dixon, Oliver, Crescent rd
Dobson, Geo. Henry, 161 Oxford rd
Dockett, William G., 6 Norcot villas,
Dodd, Arthur William, 19 ChristÂ
church road
Dodd, James, 111 Wantage rd
Doe, George Frederick, 17 Craig av
Doeg, Miss E. M., 18 New rd
Doherty, Mrs., Fernhurst, 3 HamilÂ
ton rd
Doman, Charles, Hollington lodge,
1 Addington rd
Donaldson, Robert, m.a., m.b., f.r.c.s,
42 Eastern avenue
Doran, Rev. John, Abbey Ruins
Dore, Benjamin, AV., 23 Tilehurst rd
Dore, Charles, Brazil, Basingstoke rd
Dore, Misses Susan and Emily, Balmanno, 8 Christchurch rd
Dormer, Ernest William, 32 Melrose
Dormer, Frank, 25 Hemdean hill, Cav
Dormer, Frederick AAilliam, 1 Kidmore rd, Caversham
Dormer, George, 2 9 a Lome street
Doswell, Robert, 39 AVaylen st
Doulton, R. AV., 2 Broadway buildÂ
ings, Station rd
Dowling, Robert, 18 Eldon rd
Downliam, George, 48 Minster st
Downs, Thomas, 44 Zinzan st
Dowsett, Richard, 27 Mansfield rd
Dracup, Ernest, 35 Zinzan st
Drake, Jethro N., 75 Whitekmghts rd
Drake, Mrs., 96 Grovelands rd
Drake, Tlios., School rd., Tilehurst
Dredge, James, Groveley, 10 Bruns^
wick hill
Drew, Alfred, 40 Surrey villas, ArÂ
mour road, Tilehurst
Drew, George Frederick, 8 The Mount
Drew, James, 47 Erleigii road
Drew,James Edward,20 Addingtoina
Drew, John, School rd., Tilehurst
Drew, Mrs. Sarahj 25 Lome street
Drew, Percy, 141 AVantage road
Drewett, John, Hildaville, St. Arne's
road, Caversham
Druce, Thos., Moorlands, 117 Kidmore
rd, Caversham
Drury, Brian, Hill side, 75 Pell st
Dryland, Harold C., Peebles, 64 Kidmore rd, Caversham
Dryland, Miss, Bath place, 3 Bath
DuBois, William John, Sunningdale,
Victoria road, Tilehurst
Ducat, Ven.AVilliam MetheunGordon
m.a., Archdeacon of Berks, Ripoi
lodge, 15 Bath road
Duckett, John, 13 Baker st
Duffield, Dr. Walter Jeffrey, 18
Redlands rd
Duffin, Charles, 6 Sidmouth st
Dummer, Charles Graffham, 105
Norfolk road
Duncan, William, 63 AVaverley road
Dunham, Daniel, Hillcroft, St Peterj
Hill, Caversham
Dunham, S. F., Ivy villas, Recreation
rd, Tilehurst
Dunlop, Mrs. M. Adelaide, Maisonette,
Church road, Earley
Dunn, Charles Huxtable, Stowford,
104 Blenheim road, Caversham
Dunn, Mrs. 52 Basingstoke road
Dunn, Mrs. AVm., Dunkeld, 11aW
tage rd
Dunn, Sidney Thomas, 25 St. BarÂ
tholomewâs road
Dunster, Henry Frank, 56 Oxford»
Dunston, Joseph N., 13-15 Londonn
Dunton, Albert, 373 London rd
Dunton, Alfred, 30 Carey street
Dunton, Samuel H., 29 Zinzan s
I Durman, Charles, 58 Northumb
land avenue
Durman, Geo. AV, 25 Addingtonn