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Dean®’ Edward, m.r.c.s., l.r.c.p. ,
physician, Hailey, 5 Priory av, Cav
Deane, Edward J., decorator, 41
Greyfriars road
Deane, Edward & Sons, estate agents,
valuers, land surveyors and auc­
tioneers, 16 Friar st
Deane, Harry Janies, baker, grocer,
and'b r, 17 St, John’s rd
Deane, Percival Arthur, general en­
gineer, 28 Gosbrook road, Cav
Dearlove, E d w i n & S o n s , nur=

serymen, 53 Whitley street
Deaves, Arthur J., 1 v, 3road Face
Hotel, 9 High st
Dee, Frederick, furniture dealer, 87
Friar st
Dee, George Edward b r, Oatsheaf,
46Broad st
Dellafera, Augustus, tea rooms, 134
Friar street
Denton, Albert, plumber & decorator,
84Connaught road
Denton, George, cartage contractor,
Elmleigh, Bath rd
Desire, Auguste, hair dresser, 260
Devenish, Miss Violet, l.r.a.m., tea­
cher of music, 12 Wantage rd
Dew, Henry Mather, plumber, etc.,
121 Beecham rd
Dickinson, P .


E n g in ee r,

75a King's road
Digweed, James, refreshment rooms,
166 King’s rd
Dinsdale, Ernest, butcher, 72 Leo­

District Brass and Window

Cleaning Co., 53 Grovelands road
Dix, Thomas, job and post master 7
fosbrook st, Caversham
Dixon, Oliver, H o r s e D e a le r ,
Crescent rd
Kxon, Mrs. Sarah, 1 v, Eagle hotel,
19Baker st
Dodd, Charles H. solicitor, commis­
sioner, clerk to county magistrates
and^to commissioners of taxes,
E Friar street
Doddington, Mrs. M., 1 v, The Blue
Lion, 3 Wolseley st
DomesticBazaar Co., Ltd ,80 Broad st
Donaldson, Robert, m.a., m.b., f.r.c.s.,
»•ph., physician, 42 Eastern av





Donnelly, Edward, b r, Oddfellows
Lodge, 62 Caversham road
Dormer, Frederick W., assistant clerk
to County Magistrates and to com­
missioners of taxes, Assize Courts,
Dougall, Harry M., ironmonger, 457
Oxford rd
Douglas, William James, grocer, 47
De Beauvoir road
Dowding, Alfred G., g d, 51 WatIington st
Dowell, John H., b r, Ye Butchers’
Arms, 19 Hosier st
Downham, George, grocer, wine and
spirit merchant, 48 Minster st
Downie, Mrs. Elizabeth, g d, 8
Southampton st
Downing, Henry, ironmonger and oil
man, 441 Oxford rd
Dowty, J., Inspector, r.s.f.c.a., 73
Kensington rd
D rake

B ro s.,

N urserym en,

Baker st
Drake, Photographer, 10 Friar street
Drake, John F., accountant 51 Mar­
ket place
Drew, Alfred Charles, tobacconist,
32 Caversham rd, 84-86 Oxford
rd and 13 Station rd
Drew, Frederick William, hosier and
draper, 55 Basingstoke road
Drew, James Edward, art master,
University College
Drew, John, postmaster, 16 Norcot
road, Tilehurst
Drew, R., builder, 2 Stanley st and
67 Bedford rd
Drewett, George, fishmonger, 11
Upper Crown st
Driffield, William, draper, 37 Pros­
pect st, Caversham
Dryland, Son and Thorowgood, solici­
tors and commissioners for oaths,
165 Friar street
Duckett, John, greengrocer and
florist, 13 Baker street
Dudden, Charles, butcher, 121 Wok­
ingham rd
Dudmash, Victor Henry, g d, 44
South st, Caversham
Duffin, Albert, decorator, 64 Bruns­
wick street
Duffin, Henry, g d, 49 Elm park rd