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P ftiN C lP A l
Batten. George, 64 College rd
Bavin, Miss Mary, Hackiord, Oak
Tree rd, Tilehurst
gaXi Rev. Alfred, The Cottage, 4
Woodcote road, Caversham
Barley. ^ âss Charlotte, Auricula
villa, 18 Hamilton rd
Baylis, Hy. John, 86 Kingâs rd
Baylis, Edward William Trevanion,
Durban, St- Peter's av, Caversham
Baylis, Job Henry, Brooklyn, Peppard rd, Caversham
Baylis, Sidus, Tintagel, 120 Whitley
tVoode lane
Baynes, John, Livingstone, 2 Belle av
Baiighan, W. H., St. Maur, 33 AlexÂ
andra rd. âPhone 1127
Bazell, Mrs. W. E., 55 St. BartholoÂ
mewâs rd
Bazett, Mrs. R. Y., Highfield, 21 Bath
Bazley, James Thomas, 28 AddingÂ
Bazley, Miss, 38 Russell st
Beach, Mrs. Sophia, Ailsa house,
181 Kingâs rd
Beacham, Joseph, 19 Zinzan st
Beamish, Capt. Warburton, 19 College
Beamish, Mrs. Flora, 62 Wokingham
Beare, Noah, 48 College rd
Beardmore, Edmund B., South view,
35 Coley hill
Beasley, Albert William, 241 Waverleyrd
Beasley, Benjamin Joseph, 1 College
Beasley, James E., 22 Lorne st
Beatton, Dr. Gilbert Taylor, Fontainbleau, 10 Priest hill, Caversham
Beatty, Rev. Cecil, 3 a Tilehurst road
Beauchamp, Miss L., 11 Berkeley av
Beauchamp, Miss Louisa, 33 Jesse ter
Beauchamp, The Misses, Elmhurst,
Church rd
Beaumont, Edward James, Sunbury,
38 College rd
Beaumont, ^Mrs. Eliza, Wychcotes,
St. Peterâs av., Caversham
Beckett, Charles, 27 St. BartholoÂ
mewâs rd
Beck, Rev Thomas IV., 81 Queen's
R E S ID E N T S .
Beckett, Isaac, 23 Hemdean hill, Cav
Beckingsale, Edgar, Rodney, 11
Western Elms avenue
Bedford, George, 19 Lorne street
Bedford, John R., 88 Basingstoke rd
Beetlestone, Frederick William, 28
Talfourd avenue
Beecroft, Miss, Viroflay, Kendrick rd
Becsley, John, 29 Castle st
Beesley, Miss K., Roseleigh, 9 Upper
Redlands road
Belcher, Alfred James, Eldon villa,
21 South view avenue, Caversham
Belcher, Charles, Abbey House,
Abbey st
Belcher, Mrs., M. E., 115 Castle st
Belcher, Walter A. S., 191 Tilehurst
Belcher, Walter John, Fair view,
19 Hemdean rise, Caversham
Belcher, Walter Robert, Braeside,
Mansfield rd
Belson, Mrs. J., 42 Baker street
Belsten, Ernest James, Hollingside,
20 Highmoor road, Caversham
Bell, Albert J., Conisboroâ av., Cav
Bell, Harry Peel, Thirlmere, 2 CraÂ
ven road
Bell, Lawrence, 99 Hamilton road
Bell, Mrs. Emily, 63 Baker street
Bell, Miss Marian, Santa Rosa, 8 St.
Bartholomew's rd
Bellamy, Mrs., Belmont, Armour rd,
Bendall, Sydney, Rcmenham,21 Priest
hill, Caversham
Benger, Harry James, 164 Caversham
Benger, Henry G., ,32 College rd
Benger, Thomas, 43 Russell street
Benham, George, 76 Erleigh rd
Benham, William John, 17 St. BarthoÂ
lomewâs road
Bennett, Arthur, 8 9 London road
Bennett, Arthur 15., 17 Church st, Cav
Bennett, Arthur, Ilillcrest, 67 WokÂ
ingham rd
Bennett, Benjamin William, HighclyfEe, Priest bill, Caversham
Bennett, George, Acataerlea, 20
Harrogate road, Caversham
Bennett, Mrs. Flora, 32 Wantage rd
Bennett, Mrs. H., 32 Bulmershe rd
Bennett, John L. T., 10 Baker st