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P R O F E S S IO N S A N D T R A D E S .
Hopkins, Charles, bootmaker, 14
Watlington street
Hopkins, Frederick 0., bootmaker,
127 Caversham rd
Hopkins, James Hopkins, m . r . c . s . ,
l . s .a . , F .R .M .s ., physician, 9 Bath rd
Hopping, Charles Samuel, 1 v, Ye
Olde Friars, 63 Friar street
Hoptroff, Walter John, grocer, 22
Chester st
Horne, F. G., monumental mason,
Church st, Caversham
Hortense, Mrs., music teacher, 94
Wantage road
Horwood, Wm., grocer, 63 Whitley
Hosier Bros., hosiers, 5 Queen Vic­
toria st
Hoskins, William Henry, tailor, 103
Southampton st
Houghton, A n t h o n y ,

P ic tu r e

frame manufacturer, 128-129 Friar
House, Frederick Arthur, law sta­
tioner and typist, 20 Blagrave st
Howard, John, bootmaker, 99 Cholineley road
Howard, John, watchmaker, 17
Cholmeley rd
Howards, confectioners, 34 West st
Howell, Edward L., cycle agent, 264
Oxford road
Howell, Percy, cycle engineer,

Wokingham road
Howell, W. Roland, f . r . i . b . a . , archi­
tect and surveyor, 17 Blagrave st
Howes, Bros., drapers, 2 Prospect st,
Howes, James, tobacconist, 8 Bridge
st, Caversham
Howkins, Mrs. L., dressmaker and
costumier, 102 Oxford road
Howlett, Charles John, House,

estate and insurance agent, and
collector of taxes, 32 Queen Vic­
toria st—’Phone 613
Howse, Percy William M., surgeon,
f .R .o .s ., (Eng.),
d . p . h . , Lyndford
house, 17 Castle st
nubner & Co., depot for artificial
hmbs, crutches, elastic stockings,
etc., Ill King’s road
Hudson, Arthur W., butcher, 547
Oxford rd



Huggins, Ernest G., registrar of
marriages, 40 Waverley rd
Huggins, John, bootmaker, 121
Wolseley st
Huggins, Philip, baker, 3840 Crown
H u ggins, R ow land, Corn and

forage merchant, 113-115 South­
ampton st
Hughes & Co., drapers and milliners,
363 Oxtord road
H ughes, A. & Co., W h o le s a le

tobacconists and cigar merchants,
46 Minster st
Hughes, K., confectioner, 525 Ox­
ford rosd
Hummel, J., watchmaker, 2 Bridge st
Humphries & Holt, mineral water
manufacturers, 7-9 St. John's hill
Humphries, Charles, bootmaker, 2
Derby st
H um phries, John, The Lodge
Hotel, job and post master, and
carriage proprietor, 194 King’s rd
Humphries, Richard, g d, 4 Edgehill
Humphey, H., fruiterer, 10 Woking­
ham road
Hunsdon, Mrs. Hannah, confectioner
and fruit grower, Armour road,
Hunsley, Mrs. H., foster mother,
Scattered Homes, 23 Russell street
Hunt, Albert, g d, 133 Elgar rd
Huntj Arthur, g d, 102 Cardigan rd
H u nt


G rocers,

W in e ,

spirit and bottled beer agents, 17
Duke st
Hunt, Edward, g d, 10 Alpine st
Hunt, George, b r, Butchers’ Arms,
Lower Armour rd, Tilehurst
Hunt, James, 1 v, Jolly Brewers, 26
Tilehurst rd
Hunt, Mrs. Agnes, refreshment rooms,
89 ICing’s rd
Hunt, Miss Helen, dressmaker, 10
Wiston terrace, Friar st
H u n t,T h om as, B ookseller, S ta ­

tioner, etc., 30-31 Market pi
Hunt, Thomas, coal merchant, Ar­
mour rd, Tilehurst
H unt, W a lte r C., Corn, Seed
and F orage M erch an t, 15-16
Broad s t —’Phone 178