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Robertson, Henry, 240 Oxford rd
Robinson, Clarence II., 82 BasingÂ
stoke rd
Robinson, Frank T., 24 Prospect st,
Robinson, Harry, 273 London rd
Robinsons, Henry, 16 Argyle st
Robjinson, James, 19 Sidmouth st
Rob nson, John, Parkside, 10 St.
Bartholomewâs rd
Robinson, Lieut-Col. John, Briarwood, 63 Tilehurst rd
Robinson, Mrs., Parkhurst, Grosvenor
road, Caversham
Robinson, W. Esmond P., 20 Priory
avenue, Caversham
Robinson, William, 34 Priory av,
Robotham, Mrs. Jessie, 151 London rd
Robotham, Oliver, Ingleside, 5 Eldon
Robson, Reginald, Fircroft, Shinfield road
Rogers, G. E. B., Kendrick Rise, 117
Kendrick rd
Rogers, Lewis L., 92 Connaught road
Rogers, Stanley, 44 Green road
Rogers, Thomas G., 22 College rd
Rogers, William, Courthope, 10 Albert
road, Caversham
Rohrbach, II. J., 120 Tilehurst rd
Rollo, The Hon. Eric, Elcot, 5 Derby
road, Caver sham
Romain, Francis William, 118 CaverÂ
sham road
Rose, Bernard, Pinehurst, Oakley
road, Caversham
Rose, David, j .p ., 137 Southampton rd
Rose, George Henry, 38 Baker st
Rose, Pinder Simpson, 1 Coley av
Rose, Robert Chas., Ilighfold, 48
Woodcote rd, Caversham
Rose, Thomas, Frilsham, Warwick rd
Round, Charles Frederick, 99 Watlington st
Rous, John Goodwin, Dunwick, 2
Eldon rd
Rouse, George, A., 225 Oxford road
Routh, Misses, St. Michaelâs cottage,
Church end, Tilehurst
Routh, W. Pole, Oakfield, 48 RedÂ
lands rd
Rowcroft, Mrs. C. O., Coran house,
Westwood rd, Tilehurst
Rowe, Arthur, 1 Radstock rd
Rowe, H. B., 34 Upper Redland rd
Rowell, John Childs, 3 Duke st
Rowland, Edward Worton, b .a .,
m .r .c .s ., L.R.c.p., 11 Southcote rd
Rowland, John Wm., Eastonville,
21 Priory av, Caversham
Rowland, Thomas, 367 London rd
Royle, James, 27 Eldon square
Rozelle, Madame, 20 Queen Victoria st
Rudd, Sidney Charles, 93 W averley rd
Ruddock, The Misses, 24 Russell st
Rudge, Frederick S., Highclere, 91
Kidmore rd, Caversham
Rudland, William, 20 Broad st
Rudman, Ernest Arthur, 93 Whiteknights rd
Ruff, Mrs. Elizabeth, 42 Russell st
RuiTell, Edward, 152 Oxford rd
Ruffell, Thomas, 82 Queenâs rd
Ruffey, William, 13 Redlands rd
Rumble, Alfred G., Shalbourne,
Whitley wood lane
Rumble, George, Westwood rd, TileÂ
Rumble, Latimer Alexander, Broslea,
22 Holmes road
Rumbold, Walter Thomas, 19 Carnavon rd
Rundell, Miss C. G., Taltenhoe, 7
Alexandra rd â¢
Runge, Conrad, Penlee, Oakley rd, Cav
Rumbold, Miss, St. Olaves, 43 ChristÂ
church rd
Runham, Harry, Oholderton lodge,
Norcot rd, Tilehurst
Ruoff, Mrs. Louis, Bainton house, 46
Russell st
Rush, Martin, 12 Cross street
Rushbrooke, Joseph, Bulmershe court,
Church rd, Earley
Russell, Charles, 1 A rgyle rd
Russell, George Ernest, Inglewood,
27 College rd
Russell, Henry, 381 London rd
Russell, Miss Catherine, Lothair, 18
Erleigh rd
Russell, Miss Jane M., 13 Victoria sq
Russell, William, 148 London rd
Ryan, Mrs., 1 Fairfield, Recreation
rd, Tilehurst
Sacret, J. IT, 232 Wokingham road
Sadgrove, Edward, 15 West st