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aAwdry, Mrs. Ambrose, Crossways,
Wiltshire Avenue
♦Baker, Mrs. H. D., St Denis, The av
Blower, George, Ash villa
®Brabant, Henry S., b.a., Doune cot.
Braddon Miss G., The Birches
♦Briden, William, The Briars, Ellis rd
Bryant, Vernon Seymour, Trelawne
Burbidge, A. E., Fleathhill, Pinewood
Burlton, Tom, Fircroft, The avenue
Cain, Jolm, Church road
Carr, Basil A., The Towers
♦Clarke, Mrs. James, Beggar Bush
cottage, Pinewood avenue
Clode, Miss, Lyndhurst
Cooper, Albert, Forest road
♦Coward, Mrs. E. M., Meadhurst, The
Coleridge Rev. George Frederick,
m.a ., vicar
Cusack, Mrs., Wellington rd
Cusworth, Mrs., Khyia
Deane, Robert Charles Love, Birch
♦Dixon, Miss E., Ellis rd
♦Falding, Miss F. E., St. Hilary, New
Wokingham road
fFarrel, Mrs. E., Birchisdholt
Farrow, Miss, Matron, Nurses’ home,
Rockfort, Duke’s ride
Forster, Michael Seymour, Wood hilll
Fox, Col. T. C. Armstrong, Woodleigh
Fox, Rev. Harold S., Etienne
Gifford, Geo. Taylor, m .d., Ellesmere
Giles, Alfred William, New Woking­
ham read
♦Gilligan, Mrs. H. E.,Dormy
Godden, Robert James, New Wok­
ingham road
♦Goodwin, Edwin, Pinewood av
Griffiths, A., Orissa
Grossmith, Ernest, New Wokingham
Gurney, Mrs. A., Avon
Hasker, Miss F., Pinehill rd
Hardcastle, Joseph A., The Dial
Hawes, W. C., Egmont
Hinde, Col. William, j .p., Heathcote
Hobhouse, A. IF, Fir Holt
♦Holmes, E. G. A., Wimborne, The av
Hunt, Mrs., Fairlawn



Jaycock, T., Sherwood cottage
Johns, James, Forest rd
Jones, Mrs., Pinehurst
Jones, Napier, m .r.c.s., l .r.c.p. (Lon.),
Dukes’ Ride
King, W., Laxey
♦Kelley, T. Stanhope, Woodmancote
♦Kellie, Col. G. J., Myotha, The av
Lavie, Miss, Church rd
aLewington, Alfred L., Pinewood av
Little, R., Red vers
♦Locke, Cyril L. C., The avenue
Lushington, Mrs. P. W., The Firs
Imxmoore, Rev. Charles, Coryndon
Matthews, Mrs., Philbeach
♦Moody, Capt. Hampden, Fern Dene,
The avenue
♦Monck, Miss, Aldworth
Monckton, Miss, Duke’s ride
Murray, Major-Gen. A.H., St. Enodoc
Noblet, Albert, Grant rd
Phillips, Miss, Erleigh lodge
Phillips, Miss, Inglemere
Ping, John, Ravens wood av
Powell, N. Guy, The Towers
Ramsey, Mrs. Hamilton, St. John’s
aRatcliffe, Miss K., The Hut, Ellis
Reid, Mrs., Edgebarrow lodge
Russell, A. S., Meadhurst
Savory, Mrs. Edmund, Woodlands
Scribbins, W. C., Wellington College
Sharpe, IF J., The School house
Sharpe, Miss Edith M., Charterlea
Sheppard, W. W., Winterdyne
Sherston, Peter, The Croft
Shipp, William James, Pinehill rd
Simms, Miss, Hinehill road
Spear, Frank, King’s road
Spear, Mrs. William, The Laurels
Spear, Mrs., Woodcote
Stafford, Brig.-Gen. William F. IF,
Stark, John George, New Woking­
ham road
Stevenson, W. Prince, Bigthana
Thomas, P. Evan, Hollvbank
Tomlinson, Arthur, Lathkill
Toye, Miss, Brackendene
Waterfield, Mrs. Z. S., The Crook
Watson, Rev. A. Joyce, Poynings
Wells, Clifford, Chippenham
Wheatley, Thomas, Albert villa