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R ESlD EN iB .
Chapman, Mrs. A., 25-26 Market pi ( Clapham, Chas. L., Hilcote, Oxford
rd, Tilehurst
Chapman, Thomas, 18 Thames side
Chapman, Walter George, Trescoe, Claridge, C. W., 118 Whitley st
Clark, Arthur F., St. Cuthberts, 53
Oakley road, Caversham
Chappell, Herbert, 3 Rectory road, Alexandra road
Clark, Charles Herbert, 96 Oxford rd
Chard, Capt. Charles, Bengal, 80 Clark, David, 8 Waylen st
Clark, Frederick, 10 Whitley Park
Albert road, Caversham
Charles, Geo., 4 Northumberland av lane
Clark, George, 18 Milman rd
Charles, Gordon, 5 Russell street
Chart, Fredk. W., 38 Caversham rd Clark, John Wilkins, 3 Abbots walk
Chattaway.Miss E.,Revell,Shinfield rd Clark, Mrs. Emma, Roboro, NorthÂ
umberland av
Cheer, Charles, 17 Marlborough av
Cheers, Miss M. C., 26 Carey street Clark, Henry &Mrs. Jane, Little Lee,
Cherrill, The Misses, 76 Watlington Basingstoke rd
Clark, Thomas, 76 Addington rd
Cheshire, John, Lentonia, St. Anneâs Clark, William Henry, 15 Craven rd
Clark, William R., 54 Addington
road, Caversham
Chettle, Thomas, Manor farm house, Clarke,
Arthur, 20 Lome street
Basingstoke rd
Cheyney, Frank Robert, 104 Basing Clarke, Dr. Fielding, Ampthill, CraÂ
ven rd
stoke rd
George, 325 London road
Cheyney, Dr. G. H., The Priory, Clarke,
Clarke, Joseph, 7 Castle crescent
Church st, Caversham
Metford, Northville, 12HarroÂ
Child, Thomas H., 99 Connaught rd Clarke,
gate rd, Caversham
Childs, Harry, 47 London st
Clarke, Miss, 37 St. Bartholomewâs
Childs, William, 66 London st
Childs, William M., . ., Principal road
Reading University College, Upper Clarke, Mrs., Engleberg, 13 ProsÂ
pect st
Redlands road
Mrs. Fanny, 349 London rd
Chilton, Thomas, Surley row, Cav Clarke,
Mrs. G., Cheltenham villa,
Chivers, Cyril, TheMeads, Grosvenor Clarke,
rd, Tilehurst
road, Caversham
Mrs. S., 17 College road
Chivers, Thomas Grant, j.p., The Clarke,
Hollow, 8 Derby road, Caversham Clarke, Robert, 310 Oxford road
Chorley, Frederick 0., Pomfret, 90 Clarke, Rupert Lewis, St. Maryâs
Priory, 39 Bath rd
Hamilton road
W. A., 31 Jesse terrace
Chorley, Miss F. E. M. C., Beachy Clarke,
William, 14 Basingstoke rd
Head, 27 Clifton park road, Cav
J. P., . ., 12 New road
Chown, William, Tokers green farm Clatworthy,
Claws, John B., Tilehurst road
Kidmore rd, Caversham
Glencoe, 22 New road
Christie, Mrs. M., 19 Prospect st
Christie, Wm. Robert, 44 Kidmore Clayton-Jones, Edmund Charles,
Everton, 41 Hamilton rd
rd, Caversham
W. II., Glengariff, 27 Albert
Church, Henry Frederick, 132 Friar st Clayton,
rd, Caversham
Church, Thomas W., 8 Sidmouth st Clayton,
William, Chewton, 92 WokÂ
Churchill, Frank J., Cranmere,Woodingham road
cote rd, Caversham
Clacey, Arthur Henry, 10 Melrose av Cleave,William.The Hollies, 12 Albert
rd, Caversham
Clacy, Ernest Henry, 70 London rd Clegg,
James Whitehead, WesÂ
Clacy, Miss Gertrude V., 17 Bul- leyanRev.
minister, Wesley manse, 84
mershe rd
Queen's rd
Clacy, Mrs. Harriet, Stradbroke, 74 Clements,
Geo. 45 Bartholomewâs rd
London rd
b sc