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Earleyâ continued
Rural District Councillorâ Col.
Barker, Stanlake, Twyford
Parish Council-Messrs. H. J. Wooldridge, Joseph May, Rev. Canon
Fowler and James IJissey ; clerk,
V . II. North, 3S7 London road1
Post office, money order, telegraph
savingsâ bank, parcel post, &c. Post-,
master, Culham Henry. Letters are
deliveredat 6.35, 9.10 and 11.50 a.m.,
an:l 4-20 and 8 p.m.; Sundays 6-35p.m.
despatched 8, 9-30 and 11-30 a.m.,
1-30, 3, 4-15, 5-30, 7-45, 8-3 > and
10-45 p.m. Sundays 5-45, 7-45 p.m.
Arslett, Charles, The Castle, Elm rd
Ayres, Ernest, Ashleigh, Elm road
Barnard, Frank Stewart, The WilderÂ
Boyer, Mrs. C. M. W., Manorside
Bradfield, Henry, Hollybank, Elm rd
Carter, C. A., Whiteknights
Clark, Albert Edward, The Crest,
Elm road
Craft, Charles, Elm lodge, Elm rd
Craft, James, Oakleigh, Elm rd
Davies, E. Harry, Sidmouth Grange
Deane, William, Karamea, Elm road
Dunlop, Mrs. H. W., Maisonette
Evans, Capt. Hy. J. A., The Coppice
Fowler, Mrs., The Nook, Church rd
Fowler, Rev. Canon W. W.,, m.a .
The Vicarage
Friedlander, Julius, Whiteknights
Hall, Arnold, West Croft
Hall, Major, Red House, Pepper lane
Hedges, Harry, Lower Earley
Kennett, John S., The Spinney
Joel, Solomon B., Maiden Erlegh
Long, Walter Howard, Claremont,
Elm road
Lonergan, Frederick Mousley, Cressingham park
Lord Reading, k.c.v.o., p.c., Fox Hill
Lovelock, Henry, Ashley, Elm rd
Madoc, Mrs., Lower Earley
Maurice, Miss Elizabeth A., Graylands
Miller, Captain, and The Misses,
Blandford lodge
Montizambert, Miss Alice, Trelawny
Pither, Miss, Woodbine cottage
Rushbrook, Joseph, Bulmershe
Simmons, Ernest Henry, West Woodyates, Elm road
Stokes, John C. Mason, Odiham, Elm
Stratford, Arthur, Little cottage, Elm
Sutton, M. H. F., Erlegh Park, WhiteÂ
Sutton, P., Sidmouth Grange
Tyler, Mervyn H., Farm side, Elmrd
Waight, George, Audley house
Weldon, Col. Frank, Erlimount
Wheble, Capt. James Wm. St. LawÂ
rence, r.a., j .p., Hungerford lodge
Wheble, Major Tristram Joseph,
Hungerford lodge
Williams, Rev. Morris, Holly lodge,
Elm road
Wyly, Joseph George, Uplands
A lln a t t , J . E., r e fr e s h m e n t
contractor, Earley Station
Bartlett, Charles, Station rd
Brockman, Fredk., station master
Colebrook & Co., Ltd., Elm farm
Davis, Edwin S., Radstock farm
Davis, Philip, Upper Wood farm
Dutton, Henry, p.c.
Eve, Henry, 1 v, â The George Hotel,â
Loddon Bridge
Gower, Charles Edwin, smith
Groome, Thomas, estate agent to S. B.
Joel, Esq., Maiden Erlegh
Hallaway, John, studgroom, Maiden
Harman, Fredk. J., Bulmershe Court
Hatch, George James, farmer, Elm
Hissey, James, farmer, Wokingkam rd
Johnson, F., Maiden Erlegh gardens
Lewington, Jesse, dairyman, Loddon
Monger, Charles, g d, Station rd
Rawlings, John, The cottage,
Cressingham park
Schofield, John, carpenter, Homleigh
Sutherland, Isaac, South lodge,
Cressingham park
S u t to n
S o n s , S e e d Trial
Grounds, London road
Tanner, Thomas