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Meade, Alfred Francis, 17 St.
Bartholomewâs rd
Mears, Henry II., Danehurst, 40
Albert road, Caversham
Medway, Henry, 12 Milman rd
Melbourne, Charles,2 Frilsham villas,
Norcot rd, Tilehurst
Meloy, Miss A. K., 37 Alexandra road
Menday, John W., 8 Chester street,
Meriton, Mrs., Oaklands, 219 K in gâs
Merrick, Harold S., Rogate, 39 Kidmore road, Caversham
Merrett, Edward J., 97 Addington rd
Merry, Miss, 31 Junction rd
Merton, Thomas Potts, Bellevue,
house, 1 Belle avenue
Messenger, Miss L., 59-61 Castle st
Messer, John Barnard, j .p., Stanstead,
56 London rd
Messum, Edgar C., 90 Wantage road
Michell, Charles Fredk., 11 Zinzanst
Middlemost, Arthur C., 119 London
Midgley, Stanley William, 33 Kidmore rd, Cav
Mildenhall, Mrs. Mark, 51 Queenâs rd
Miles, Charles, 46 Hemdean road,
Miles, Edward Wm., 5 Ormesby
Miles, J., 45 Christchurch rd
Miles, James, Englefield cottage,
Basingstoke rd
Miles, Mrs. W., Kentwood terrace,
Miles, Stanley, 25 Priory av, Cav
Milne, Mrs. Cora, Tenby, 16 Priory
av, Caversham
Millar, William, 68 Wokingham rd
Millard, Francis, J., 15 Pitcroft av
Millard, George, 39 Mill lane
Millard, Wm. Henry, 178 Oxford rd
Miller, Capt. D. M., Blandford lodge,
Pepper lane
Miller, Charles E., 15 Erleigh rd
Miller, Edward John, 119 Oxford rd
Miller, Harrison, Yelmead, 16 Derby
road, Caversham
Miller, John Morgan, 110 Friar st
Miller, Miss Alice, 199 K ingâs rd
Millichamp, Rev., Rowden, Grafton
rd., Tilehurst
Millington, Miss L. M., Mordaunt
villa, 3 Sidmouth street
Millington, Rev. Colin, chaplain H.M.
Prison, Forbury road
Mills, Arthur, 53 Addington rd
Mills, George, Maudlin, Whitley wood
Milsom, Alfred E., 9 Highmoor rd
Milsom, Harry, 124 Southampton st
Milsom, Joseph, 4 Marlborough av
Milsom, Wm. G., 3 Upper Redlands rd
Milward, Alfred Wetherell, Southcote
lodge, Southcote rd
Milward, David Henry, 9 Highmoor
road, Caversham
Minchin, William C., Martindale, 72
Albert road, Caversham
Minet, Frederick, Dean farm, Deanâs
rd, Lower Caversham
Minns, Thomas, 42 Zinzan st
Mitchell, Alexander S., Southwold,
42 Berkeley av
Mitchell, Capt. J., Glen Lynn, 5
Western Elms avenue
Mitchell, Jacob, 22 Wantage rd
Mitchell, Rev. J., 54 Russell st
Mitchell, Rev. James, Littlecote, 10
Woodcote, rd, Caversham
Mitchell, Sidney C., 24 Mansfield rd
Mobbs, Aaron, 20 Erleigh rd
Moffatt, Charles William, 143 Friar st
Moffatt, Mrs. Eleanor, 12 Hamilton rd
Moffit, William R., 280 Liverpool rd
Mole, Herbert, Roxville, Kendrick rd
Mole, Mrs. Jessie, 20 Redlands road
Monckton, Geo. E., 16 Southcote rd
Monger, William, 52 Talfourd av
Monger, William James, 99 WokingÂ
ham rd
Monod, Alex., 125 Broad st
Montague, Sidney, 221 Oxford road
Moody, Mrs. Leah, 14 Talfourd av
Moon, Henry, 31 Bulmershe rd
Moore, Chas, 47 Northumberland av
Moore, Ernest, 17 Tilehurst rd
Moore, Frank, 16 Culver road
Moore, Fredk., 6 Norcot terrace,
Moore, Miss M., 43 Waylen st
Moore, Miss Mary, 35 Kidmore rd,
Moore, Mrs., 224 Oxford road
Moore, Mrs. E., 6 Mansfield rd
Moore, T. G. J., 117 Oxford road