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S outh am pton s tr e e t— c o n tin u e d
here is E a rl c o u r t
56 Smith, Mrs. Margaret J., tobac­
58 Hadley, Bert, hairdresser, etc.
60 Oates, Henry
64 Moss, Mrs. Ann
here is K in g c o u rt
66 Mattingley, William
here a re S t. G ile s' buildings
70 S t e v e n s , E ., & C o ., T im b e r
72-74 P la ce o f D e te n tio n f o r J u ­
venile O ffenders -Supt., Sam­
uel John Burbidge
78 Roger, Miller, surgeon
80 Campbell, Highet, M.D., c.m.
82 Wheeler, Mrs. Annie
82-84 ReadingAmalgamatedFriendly
Societies’ Medical Association—
P illa r L e t te r B o x.
86 Thorp, W. P. & Co., motor agents
and engineers
here is P e ll s tre e t
92 Maggs, Henry L.
94 Burrett, Edwin John
96 Wise, George Edward
98 Jack, Mrs. Elizabeth, b r,‘ The
Red Rose ’
100 Dolton, Mrs. Jane
102 Croft & Co., drug stores— Croft,
Christopher James, manager
104 Steer, Miss Ethel
106 Crocker, Charles Walter
108 Lovegrove, Edward, baker and
110 Long, Mrs. Henry
122 Coggs, John
124 Giles, Mrs.
126 Taylor, Charles, g d
here is W est h ill
128 West London Meat Company—
Ivermee, Richard John,manager
130 Cocks, Alfred
132 Elsbury, Charles, printer
134 Huggins, Rowland
136 Shorter, Albert
138 Smith, W alter John
140 Commins, William, plumber
142 Goddard, Daniel
144 Rowe. Mrs.
146 Chandler, John



148 Johnson, W illiam
150 Goodship, W alter Henry
152 Gwilliam, Miss Em ily Anne
here is Chesterm an s tre e t
154 Walklett, John W illiam George
156 Welland, William R.
158 Bates, Thomas
160 Sumpster, Charles W.
Sumpster, Miss Edith
162 Morris, George, plumber and
Young, Matthew'
164 Chamberlain, W illiam Austin
166 Garrett, James Matthew
168 Ballard, W illiam
170 Whale, Walter
172 Downes, Jesse
174 Gardener, George Henry
176 Pritchard, Ernest
178 Hare, Arthur George
180 Blake, John Thomas
182 Barton, James
184 Harding, Henry John
186 Slatter, Edward John
188 Holder, Percy John
190 Toms, David
192 Arnold, Henry
194 Taylor, Arthur
196 Smith, Harry
198 Curtis, James
200 Hayward, George
202 Beechey, Mrs. Mary Ann
here is A lp in e stre e t
204 W eller, Mrs. Elizabeth
206 Edgington, Charles
208 Smith, Mrs. Emma
210 Jackson, Edward
212 Green, Miss E. S. A.
214 Hartley, Edmund
216 Bond, George W illiam
218 Watkins, W illiam
220 Mitchell, William
222 Miles, William
224 W illis, Ernest
226 Blackford, John
228 Goodyear, Frank
230 Nash, Arthur James
232 Baylis, Arthur
234 White, Mrs. George
236 Cooper, Joseph Cecil, ’Phone 678
238 Pike, Harry George
240 Keep, Mrs. Sarah
242 Gamblen, W illiam
244 Brown, Edward