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Loam, Matthew^William$Elm view,
Coley avenue
Lock, Abram, 114 Basingstoke rd
Lock, Mrs. Fanny, 101 Castle st
Lock, Robert John, 69 Baker street
Lockhart, Lieut-Col., T., Glenmore
house, 44 Christchurch rd
Lockeyear, Charles, Revelstoke, 19
Blenheim road, Caversham
Lockeyear, Miss Edith, 8 Russell st
Lofthouse,^ Thomas Rickard, MorÂ
timer, 35 Green road
Logan, Samuel Charles, m.a ., Northleigh, 21 Craven road
Lonergan, Frederick M., Cressingham
Park, north, Shinfield rd
Long, George, The Hawthorns, OxÂ
ford rd, Tilehurst
Long, George, Ingleside, 19 Bulmershe rd
Long, Mrs. Esther, Swanbrook, Gosbrook rd, Caversham
Long, William John, 124 Basingstoke
Longhurst, Charles Edwin, 43 St.
Bartholomewâs road
Longhurst, William, Wonersh, 6
Morgan rd
Longhurst, William, jun., 117 London
Longmore, Mrs. Annie, 3 Talfourd
Loosemore, Robert, 30 Talfourd av
Loraine, Mrs. Susan Ellen, West
Leigh, 21 Alexandra rd
Lorkin, William John, 8 Junction rd
Lott, Herbert E., 224 Tilehurst rd
Louth, Mrs. G. E., Fistral house, 53
Western Elms avenue
Love, Edwin, 55 Wokingham rd
Love, George, Laurel cottage, 68
Crescent rd
Love, George William, 223 London
Love, Harold C., 123 Queenâs road
Love, Mrs. C. M., 72 Wantage rd
Love, Nathaniel, 57 Lome street
Lovegrove, A. E., 31 Castle st
Lovegrove, Albert T., 16 College rd
Lovegrove, Albert W. R.,3 Newcastle
Lovegrove, Arthur Charles, 97 South
view avenue, Cav
Lovegrove, Charles, 116 Friar st
Lovegrove, James, 11 Zinzan street
Lovegrove, Miss Susan, The Elms,
Henley rd, Caversham
Lovejoy, Charles, Fairthorne, 127
Westfield rd, Caversham
Lovejoy, Charles, Shell Bay, 74 Pell st
Lovejoy, Misses, 7 Victoria sq
Lovejoy, Thomas, Wilberforce cotÂ
tage, 62 Crescent rd
Loveridge, James, Aylton house, 35
Jesse terrace
Lowe, Mrs. E., 35-37 Greyfriars rd
Lowe, Mrs. Ann, The Cottage, 128
Tilehurst rd
Lowsley, Mrs. 0., 5 Erleigh rd
Lucas, James Henry, School house,
Basingstoke road
Lucas, Percy, Vale view, Northcourt
Luce, Rev. Edmund, 1 Bulmershe rd
Lucking, George, 2 Redlands rd
Luckman, H. P., 101 Hamilton rd
Ludlow, Wm. Henry, 46 Waverley rd
Luke, Alexander, Littlecote,
Woodcote rd, Cav
Luker, Mrs. Elizabeth, Brough,
Priest hill, Caversham
Lund, Edward H., Ashville, Derby
road, Caversham
Lund, Henry, Rosemont,22 Woodcote
rd, Caversham
Lunn, Robert P., School house, Cav
Lury, Rev. Harford Elton, Holy
Trinity Vicarage, 32 Baker st
Lush, Wm. E â Alma house, Armour
rd., Tilehurst
Lusty, Walter, St. Kilda, 18 Priory
avenue, Cav
Lvden, Michael, Connemara, The
Warren, Cav
Lyford, Miss E., Mountfield, School
rd, Tilehurst
Lyle, Mrs. H. C., Laughton lodge, 31
Bath rd
Lynch, Michael, Pleasant view, 41
Culver road
Lynch-Thomas, Mrs. Eliza, Mon
Repos, Whiteknights rd
Lynden-Bell, Mrs., Southernwood, 9
Addington rd
Lyne, The Misses, 59 South st
Lyons, Cyril, Trouville, 11 Clifton
park road
Lyster, William John, 59 Minster st