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W h itle y s tre e t— c o n tin u ed
30 Leonard, John
32 Sly field, Mrs. Althea
34 Hiscock, Albert
36 Green, Charles
38 Walker, Mrs, Adelaide
40 Long, Frederick
42 Butler, W illiam
44 Smith, Charles
46 Reeves, W illiam T.
48 Sumner, Percival
S p rin g G ardens R e c re a tio n
G rou n d
50 Brown, Michael, Tank cottage,
park keeper
52 Grimwade, Charles
54 Edney, W illiam
56 Harwood, Henry
58 Tigw ell, Mrs. Elizabeth
60 Smith, Mrs.
62 Green, John
64 Millard, Alfred
66 Denton, John
68 Povey, Frederick
70-72 Lyne, George, 1 v, ‘ Wellington
Arms ’
74 Sexton, W illiam
76 Clemston, John
78 Humphries, W illiam George
80 Carter, John Hutton
82 Bond, George
82-84 Williams, James Henry,
here is Essex s tre e t
90 Martin, W illiam Thomas, butcher
’Phone 816
92 Brooker, W illiam
94 Glazier, George A., fish supper
96 Tuffield, Richard
98 Lailey, John
100 Butler, George
102 Painter, Richard
104 Preedy, Henry
106 Anderson, George
here is path to P ro s p e c t cottages
110 Williams, James, dairyman
W h itle y W esleyan H all
here is B o u lt's walk
114 Smallbone, Mrs. Henrietta
116 Gostage, Miss Frances Emily
118 Claridge, W illiam Christopher
120 Fletcher, Charles

122 West, W illiam
124 Pope, Charles Arthur Percy
126 Shepherd, The Misses E ,& K.
here is M ilm a n roa d

from Basingstoke Road.
( L e ft hand side).
S t. P a u l's Church.
1 Barnett, Frank
3 Lenny, Mrs. Harriet
7 Barber, — p.c.
9 Ford, Albert
39 Holloway, Charles, dairyman
41 Hosier, John
43 Gridler, A lfred John
45 Fulker, James
149 Street, George Henry
151 Butcher, John
153 Saunders, William
155 Darvill, James
159 Waite, Thomas Charles
161 Lawes, Francis
163 Sumner, John
165 Glass, Mrs. Elizabeth, Evelyn
167 Stubbington, Henry, Potterne
173 Aldridge, W illiam James,
Bramble villa
175 Poulter, Mrs.
177 Leppard, Rose, grocer
179 Scott, Ernest
here is W h itley wood road
185 Davis, Thomas
199 Maybanck, ITarry, Bedford
201 Tigwell, George W illiam
227 Cripps, George, West view villa
229 Cripps, Jonathan George, Holm
Lea villa
Gurney, Mrs., Woodside
Chalk, W illiam
Domone, Leonard
Draper, Wellington
Watts, George
( R ig h t hand side).
44 Woolford, Henry
46 Rawlins, W illiam
56 Murdoch, James Macbeth
58 Lawes, John
60 Davies, Miss Ellen, Briar villa
Davies, Albert
62 Street, Alfred Joseph