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Griffin, Rev. Charles E., Chetwynd,
78 Highmoor road, Caversham
Griffis, Charles Wm., 38a Minster st
Griffith, John E. S., Ael-y-Bryn, 29
The Mount, Caversham
Griffiths, Dan, 130 Oxford rd
Griffiths, Mrs. R., 9-1 Castle st
Grigg, Charles, 317 London rd
Grigsby, Mrs. Hannah, 53 London rd
Grigsby, Arthur William, Katrine,
29 Marlborough av
Grimes, John, 13 Western Elms av
Groome, Thomas, Westdene, WokingÂ
ham road
Grove, James Henry, 33 Addington rd
Grove, Mrs., 19 College rd
Grover, Albert, 93 Addington rd
Groves, Mrs. A., Lingard, Norcot rd.,
Guard, William B. 26 Hemdean hill,
Guilding, LansdownM., 1 Sidmouth st
Guille, George C., 28 Castle crescent
Gulliver, Charles Arthur, Ridgeway,
48 Priest hill, Caversham
Gurney. Edgar, Woodside, Whitley
Wood lane
Gutch, Walter John, Bletchynden, 50
Albert road, Caversham
Gutch, William H., 72 Basingstoke
Gwilliam, Arthur, Trebursye, 24
Harrogate rd, Caversham
Gwilliam, Miss Em ily Anne, 152
Southampton st
Gwilliam, Samuel Henry, North view
Whitley hill, Basingstoke road
Gwilliam, William John, 59 Priest
hill, Caversham
Gwynne-Vaughan, D. T., 14 London
Gyles, Percy H., Leycester House, 59
Western Elms av
Gyngell.Thos. Whiting, 15 Queenâs rd
Gyngell, Samuel, 60 Erleigh rd
Habgood, Richard, Laurel villa, A rÂ
mour road, Tilehurst
Hackett, Francis, 9 Eldon road
Haigh, W., m.a., 68 Hamilton rd
Hailstone, William, 16 Zinzan st
Haines, Rowland S., 93 Kidmore rd,
Hale, Mrs., The Cottage, 27 Western
Elms avenue
Hall, Cardinal, 1 Moreland villa,
Blundells road, Tilehurst
Hall, Ernest Charles, 82 Tilehurst rd
Hall, Henry C., 28 Western elms av
Hall, John, Star rd, Caversham
Hall, John, Victoria rd., Tilehurst
Hall, Major W. Montague, The Red
House, Pepper lane, Earley
Hall, The Misses Clara & Annie, 111
Oxford rd
Hall, Robert, 80 Oxford rd
Hall, Robert Kemp,, 81 London
Hall, Wm., 2 Moreland villa, BlunÂ
dells road, Tilehurst
Hall, William,
Western Elms av
Halliday, Arthur Henry, 13 Coley hill
Halpin, Rev. Arthur Neville, 125
Castle street
Ilalton, Robert, 47, Albert rd, Cav
Hamblin, Henry, Burford, 6 Uplands
road, Caversham
Hambling, William G. A., Forest
house, 60 Queenâs rd
Hambling, William R., 9 St.Bartholomewâs road
Hames, Herbert E., Burford, UpÂ
lands rd, Caversham
Hamilton, Arthur, Rose villa, 75
London rd
Hamilton, Miss K. A., Arlingford,
8 Blenheim road, Caversham
Hamlet, Arthur J., Connemara, 13
Priest hill, Caversham
Hamlet, Malcolm Robert, 121 Castle
Hamlet, William, 70 Castle street
Hammans, H. H., 34 Zinzan st
Hammond, Henry, Richmond cottage,
29 Carnarvon rd
Hammond, B. Herbert, 9 Broadway
buildings, Station rd
Hammond, Misses, Thorncroft 32
Kidmore road, Caversham
Hampshire, Mrs. Kathleen, 35 KenÂ
drick road
Hampton, Arthur Samuel, Dittisham,
63 Tilehurst rd
Hampton, Samuel, 163 Oxford rd
Hanbury, Mrs. Oakland Hall, 63
Bath road