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35 Hudlestone, Mrs. Louisa, E.,
Harley house
37 Carter, Mrs. Charles, Bracklinn
39 Roberts, Henry Charles, Glenmaye
41 Clajrion-Jones, Edmund Charles,
45 Fuller, George F., Hazeldene
47 Wilkins, H. C., Willow cottage
49 Withers, Mrs. James, Oaklands
W a ll L e t te r B ox

63 Porteus, Thomas,
65 Batho, Misses E. and F., Greenhill
67 Dalgleish, C., Glenmore
69 Black, William Henry, Inglemere
71 Witherington, Duncan Henry,
The Limes
here is C rescen t road

H o ld er & Son, N u rs ery m e n ,
gardens—’ Phone 443
81 McGrigor, Mrs. Duncan, Rosehill
83 Allen, Antrum M., Iloniton
85 Bald am, Thomas, Yokohama
87 Barkshire, Mrs. Samuel, Hamilton
89 Banks, Archibald J.
93 Wilkins, J. S., Trefriw
95 Prout, Edward C.,
97 Earley, Albert William
99 Bell, Lawrence
101 Luckman, H. P., Kimbolton
103 Jones, John Henry, Belsize
(R ig h t hand side )
H a m ilto n Road G a ra ge —
P r o p r ie to r , J. G oodm an
P h on e 9 6 7
4 Ritson, Robert, m.a., Cantab,
l.r.c.p., m.r.c.s., surgeon,
Blandford house
6 Sawyer, John
‘ Abanethy ’
8 Thatcher, William, Hartley
10 Hughes, Albert, East View
12 Moffatt, Mrs. Eleanor
14 Blackmore, Mrs. Annie
16 Henwood Thomas
1 Auricula
18 Bayley, Miss Charlotte J ' mas
22 Baker, Miss Lynch
24 Malpas, W. E.
28 Collins, John, Lynwood
Collins, Miss E. M., nurse
30 Hawkins, William



32 Kirk, Edwin
Charlbury Coal, Coke and Petro­
leum Co.
38 Key, Arthur James, The Firs,
40 Wright, Arthur John, The Firs,
42 Hill, Bernard, The Lilies
44 Bartlett, William J., Rosslyn
66 Maxwell, Christopher B., The
68 Haigh,William, m.a., (Lond.),
70 Franklin, John, Northdene
72 Webber, The Misses, Southdene
74 Sawyer, Mrs. T., Glenthorne
78 Martin, James Uri, Lytton
8® Cox, Henry George, Osymington
82 Woodley, Herbert Edward
84 Shepherd, William H., Benwyvis
86 Austin, Miss Edith, Rhodell
88 Muirhead, David, Tolcame
90 Chorley, Frederick O., Pomfret
92 Board, Alfred Millard \ Hinton
Board, Miss E. R.
J Magna
94 Sparrow, James, Wensley
96 Attwood, Herbert, ‘ Fufield'
98 Blay, Mrs. Catheiine, Stanton
100 Penrose, James, Newtonhurst
102 Perrin, Mrs. Julia, Laxfield
here is C rescen t roa d

112 Benyon, John L., ‘ Wild Oak ’
114 Burn, Frederick William, house
estate and Incorporated insur­
ance agent, Domarin
116 Lawes, Frederick J., Coombe
lodge, north
118 Silver, Mrs., Coombe lodge, south
120 Tomlin, J. R., Lakefoot
122 Gardner, Charles, Woodside
124 Ileelas, Edward, Constantia
W a ll L e t t e r B ox

H A M P D E N RO A D , C ro m w e ll
Road, C aversham .
(R ig h t hand side )
4 Clayton, Thomas
6 Clifton, Thomas Henry
8 Beech, William Rupert
10 Gardiner, William James
12 Bell, Richard
14 Ilowes, Albert John
16 Burnham, Edward
18 Ridgers, Charles