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Raikes, Colonel, Bill hill house
Roe, Harcourt J., The Vicarage
Roupell, Captain G. C., The cottage
Rouse, Mrs. E. A., Darndon house
Warner, E. Guy, Hurst Grange
Willey, Leonard A., The Bungalow
Wilson, John, Craycroft
Adey, Mrs. G., The Buttercups, Con­
valescent home
Ambrose, Charles, Green lane
Bartlett, T. W., 1 v, ‘ The Wheel­
wright's Arms ’
Biggs, R., Dunt lane farm
Bonner, William, cycle dealer and
•carrier, Claremont villa
Bowyer, Wm., Murrell Green farm
Brain, John
Brooks, Thomas, Park road
Brown, Wm, farmer, Wards Cross
Bullock, G., Halfway House
Bullock, Samuel H., baker and grocer
Chalker, John, grocer—’Phone 11
Chapman, Alfred W., Ivy cottage
Childs, Francis E., schoolmaster
Clarke, Alfred, ironmongery, oil,
colourman, glass and china stores,
adjoining post office
Clare, Charles Stanley, milk pur­
veyor, Aylesford villas
Cox, A., Mrs.
Crocker. Albert, 1 v, ‘ Old Crown,’
Dunt lane
Dunn, William, Hinton farm
East, George, Hurst street
Eley, H., greengrocer
Ford, George, corn merchant,
Davis st
Ford, George, High Chimneys farm
Frazer, Isaac, ‘ John Barleycorn’ Inn
Fulker, Harry George, builder
Gammon, George, Whistley Green
Garraway, Fred, Park villas
Garraway, J., farmer, Hogmoor lane
Giles, Mrs., Whistley Green
Grant, Charles, carrier, Church
Haldy, Mrs., Laburnum villas
Harding, Graham, Cockbush cottage
Hatfield, J. Warren farm
Hawkins, George, Diamond villas
Heath, W. T., assistant overseer,
Hicks, Denis E., Park road



H i c k s , E l i s h a J ., m.c.n.r.s.
R o s e S p e c i a lis t , G o ld an d
S il v e r M e d a llis t
Hobbs, Edmund, Haines hill Home
Jackman, Arthur, engineer, South
Johnson, J. A., bootmaker
Johnson, W. C., builder, Green lane
Key, Mrs., Townsend cottage
King, Alfred John, ‘ The Castle Inch’
King, Charles, Hurst street
King, George, Whistley Mill farm
King, The Misses, Orchard farm
Lloyd, Ernest, South View
Loader, W. G., Church farm
Machin, David, 1 v., ‘ Elephant and
Castle ’
McKie, Harry, b r, ‘ The Cricketers'
May, John, Montrose villa
Mayers, Mrs., 3 Caversham villas
Mileham, Charles
Millson, Wm., b r, ‘The Jolly Farmer'
Newberry, W. F. E., Hurst Post
Nock, Samuel J., Lee cottage
Parfitt, Reginald, Whistley farm
Parkins, Edward, Broad Common
Parsons, Frederick, Hovendon house
Porter, Frank, grocer and corn
Priest, Frank
Priest, John, Park View
Purdon, Richard I., Hinton road
Record, Mrs., Laburnum villas
Riches, William, Davis street post
Scates, Simeon, g d, Hinton rd
Simonds, William, b r, The Swan
Slyfield, George
Slyfield, William, Broad Common rd
Small. Thomas
Smith, Frederick J., Church farm
Smith, Samuel, Orchard road
Smith, William, Church farm
Soundy, Edwin, Hinton road
Stafford, Byrom, Hatchgate farm
Stimson, G. C., builder
Taylor, George, Round lane
Walden, Henry, Dunt lane
Walden, William, Dunt lane
Webb, Edward, Churchman’s farm
West, James, Cross road