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A lls w o r t li’s G r o c e r y S t o r e s ,
Yorktown rd
Angell, Harry, tailor
Ankerson, R., g d, Branksome Hill
Auger, Mrs., g d, Laurel terrace
Barefoot, William Henry, 1 v, ‘ The
White Swan ’
Bateman, John, lv, ‘Rose and Crown’
Inn, Yorktown rd
Bedford, Sydney J., hairdresser
Benham, George Samuel
Blake, R. H., 1 v, ‘ Duke's Head’
Brake, C. J., estate office, Yorktown rd
Bullock, F. W., baker, Owlsmoor
Clarke, J. J., college groundsman
Clutterworth, W., laundry, Brank­
some Hill rd
Cochrane, Mrs. E., Ambarroow and
Church farms
Cooper, Mrs., grocer & coal dealer
Cooper, Thomas, coal merchant,
Longdown road
Cornish, Edwin, bootmaker
Cox, Josiah, farmer, Breach farm
Cox, Joseph, insurance agent
Dailey, Albert Edwart, builder,
Yorktown rd
Dean, William, chimney sweep
Dixon, Walter, Cave’s farm
Drew, Frederick Henry, grocer, b r
(off) Owlsmoor
Erskine, William, motor and cycle
Foster, Joseph, 1 v, ‘ New Inn ’
Giblett, Miss, Sandhurst farm
G r e e n a w a y , G e o r g e , A lto n A le
stores, grocery & hardware dealer,
Albion rd
Griffiths, William Edward, 1 v, ‘ Bird
in Hand ’
Hammond, Mrs. Minnie, g d
Hanson, IT R., baker, High st
Harper, Geo. IT., cycle agent, repairs
Harper, John, stationer, postmastei
Hedges, George, grocer
Hicks, Henry, g d, Yorktown rd
Hodge, Walter, hand laundry, Deepnell house, Yorktown road
Holloway, R. W., p.c.
Hudson, Arthur J., grocer, College
Hudson, J., carrier to Reading, Albion



Hunt, Vincent, cab proprietor
J a m e s , E . L ., g e n e r a l a n d fa n c y
d r a p e r , e t c . D r e s s m a k in g a
S p e c i a lit y , Y o r k t o w n ro ad
James, William, grocer
J o lly , C la u d e , d r a p e r an d o u t ­
fitter, High street
Kent, Frederick T., baker and con­
fectioner, College Town
Lark, F. W. White Swan Laundry,
New College rd
Ledger, Thomas, cycle manager, Pine
Moss, Arthur W ., r .s .s., shoeing and
general smith
Napper, Vincent William, baker and
grocer, Victoria house
Nash, George, confectioner, etc.
Neale, B. E., grocer and sub-post
master, Sandhurst st
Oldham, George C., schoolmaster,
School house
Osborne, H., Rackstraw farm
Ottaway, C., ‘ Fox & Hounds ’
O v e r B r o s .,
M ille r s ,
c h a n t s , S a n d h u r s t M ills .
’ P h o n e 28 C r o w t h o r n e
Payne, A., parish clerk
Payne, Bros., builders, Little Sand­
Pitched, II., jobmaster & fly proprie­
tor Gordon Stables
Pitman, Charles', newsagent and g d
Purvey, II., coal merchant, Brind
park terrace
William, 1 v, ‘ Welling­
ton Arms ’
Salter, Frederick, police sergeant
Sheppard, Thomas William, York­
town rd
Simpson, Thomas & Son, shoeing
smiths, cycle engineers
Smallbone, George E., chimney
sweep, New College road
Storror, Henry, 1 v, ‘ The Jolly
Farmer ’
Talmage, Edgar, butcher, York Town
Watts, Herbert, registrar of births &
deaths, assistant overseer
Weaver, Jesse, manager of the St.
Michael’s Club, secretary— G.