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Leach, W., 44 Northumberland av
Leadbeater, James, 210 Tilehurst rd
Leader, Brice W m , 54 Basingstoke
Leaver, Alfred H., Mountfield, WarÂ
wick rd
Leaver, Arthur John, 133 Castle st
Leaver, Ernest II., 13 Junction rd
Leaver, Ernest II., St. Lukeâs villa,
Erleigh rd
Lee, Charles, 13 Zinzan st
Lee, James, The Bays, 10 College rd
Lee, James G., 68 Queenâs rd
Lee, James, Jesmond, St. Andrew's
rd, Caver sham
Lee, Mrs. Elizabeth, 41 Green rd
Lee, Mrs. Kenneth, 20 Holmes rd
Lee, Matthew Henry, 93 Wantage rd
Lees, Frank, f .r.h.s ., 94 Connaught rd
Legg, Benjamin, 32 New rd
Legg, Rev R. Wickham, St. Maryâs
Le Huray,Abraham Champion,Sarnia
42 Bulmershe rd
Leicester, Harry, 154 Oxford road
Leigh, Mrs. Edith, 25 College rd
Leney, Mrs. M., Carbis, 29 Kendrick
Lenny, Mrs. H., Shiplake lodge, WestÂ
wood rd., Tilehurst
Lesser, David, 51 Lome st
Lester, Mrs. Alice J., 48 Addington
Letchford, Henry, 2 Tacoma cottages,
Conisboroâ avenue, Cav
Lewendon, James, Ivydene, 125
Wantage rd
Lewin, Miss C., 22 Eastern av.
Lewingdon, Joseph, Armour rd., TileÂ
Lewingdon, Miss M., Highclere villa,
Armour rd., Tilehurst
Lewington, Tom, Charrall, 19 MatÂ
lock rd
Lewington, Wm., Astonville, 98 BlenÂ
heim rd, Caversham
Lewis, Frederick John, White Hart
Hotel, 1 Oxford rd
Lewis, George, Sorrento, 76 Highmoor rd, Cav
Lewis, George S., Colin wood, 14
Cintra avenue
Lewis, George, Riga villa, 99 CaverÂ
sham rd
Lewis, Harry, Westbury, 6 A lexÂ
andra rd
Lewis, Henry, 2 Denmark rd
Lewis, Henry A., Halmar, Kendrick rd
Lewis, Jack, 154 Caversham road
Lewis, Jethro L., Rose villa, 881
Caversham road
Lewis, Mrs. E., 39 Addington road
Lewis, Mrs. E. J., Warren View,
Warren avenue, Caversham
Lewis, Mrs. G., 23 Priest hill, Cav
Lewis, Mrs. Hannah, 349 London rd
Lewis, Robert, 103 St. Peterâs road
Lewis, Thomas, 22 Bridge st, Cav
Lewis, W., 10 Church st, Caversham
Lichfield, Thomas, 2 Talfourd av
Lickley, James, Valpy street
Liddiard H. W., Washita, 23 St.
Bartholomewâs rd
Likeman, Hugh A., 113 Oxford road
Lilian, Madame, 98 Friar st
Lilley, Mrs. M., Crossways, St. Anne's
road, Caversham
Lilliard, W illiam, 48 Harrogate rd,
Lillicrap, Mrs. Henrietta, 303 LonÂ
don road
Linay, Miss Ethel, 14 Christchurch
Lindars, Henry Francis, South bank,
29 Mansfield rd
Lindars, Mrs. J. W., 27 Coley hill
Lindsey, Arthur, J., 7 South view
avenue, Caversham
Linsdale, Arthur Turner, Lynhurst,
3 Green road
Linsell, Frederick Albert, Glenlyn,
30 Blenheim road
Lipscombe, Alfred, 38 Zinzan st
Lipscombe, Charles, 60 London st
Lister, Oswald William, Dinsdale,
Talfourd avenue
Litchfield, Thomas, 2 Talfourd av
Little, Henry M.,Highclere, 29 Clifton
Park rd, Caversham
Little, Mrs., Porth Leven, 81 Pell
Littlechild, Mrs. Elizabeth, 10 Lome
Lloyd, Miss, 27 Derby rd, Cav
Lloyd, Miss Olivia, Oakfield, 2 Derby
road, Caversham
Loader, Thomas, 115 Kidmore rd,