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L on d on roa d —continued .

215 J a c k s o n , E. & Sons,
hosiers, outfitters, &c. —
Bamford, J. H., manager
217 Gare, J. C., dressmaker and
219 Eastmans, Ltd., butchers, Kings­
ley, James, manager
221 H a w k in s and Co., F a m ily
G rocers and P ro v isio n
M e rc h a n ts .
S u pp ly
S t o r e s —’ P h on e 159
223 Love, G. W. & Sons, plumbers,
gas & water apparatus fitters
225 M ilw a rd & Sons, B oot and
shoe manufacturers
227 Vind en, S. J,, F r u ite r e r ,
G re e n g ro c e r and F lo r is t
’ P h on e 299
229 Young, Bros., provision mer­
231 George, S. H., boot repairer
23lABritish & Argentine Meat Co.,
Ltd., butchers
233 Home and Colonial Tea Stores
233 Emery, Mrs. Elizabeth Ellen
here is A m ity road

237 International Tea Stores
239 Street, Thomas Robert & Sons,
sanitary steam cleaning works
— ’Phone 1141 '
241 Burr, Edward C.
243 Mardon, The Misses
245 Palmer, George
247 Peach, George
249 Harold, Arthur Davy
251 Colridge, Aaron, g d
here is R egen t s tre e t

253 Sharpe, Miss A. S., confectioner
255 Anstee, Walter Edward, butcher
257 Handus, Mrs. Jane, antique
259 W h a tle y Bros., O ffices
Phillips, John
261 W h a t le y B ros., C oal Mer=
chants, contractors for house­
hold removals ’Phone 223
273 Robinson, Harry, hairdresser,
tobacconist and stationer
275 Boiley, Frederick, confectioner
here is Cholm eley road

277 Fielder, Mrs. Anne Maria
279 Wright, Mrs. Harriet
281 Schofield, Charles Ernest


Carse, James Hay
Jacobs, Alexander
Heath, Thomas
Raines, Herbert John
Martin, Walter
Allan, II. W.
P h illip s, W illia m R., a ge n t
to the National Benefit Assur­
ance Co., Ltd.
297 FIayter, Alfred George
299 Diggory, Capt. J. C.
301 Bacon, Francis James
303 Lillicrap, Mrs. Henrietta
305 Hill, William Edward
307 Bryant, Ernest
309 Brown, William George
311 Pople, James William
313 Gostage, Samuel M.
315 Annison, James, Belvedere
317 Grigg, Charles
319 Woodley, Miss Annie
321 Edwards, Frank
323 Shearwood, Mrs. Eliza, Maplehurst
325 Clarke, George
327 Goodman, George
329 Cross, Miss E.
331 Turner, Frederick W.
333 Biggs, Thomas
335 Pearce, Walter
337 Blazey, Henry, tailor
339 Dawtrey, John, Rothsay
341 Norris, Mrs. Edith Grace
here is M a n ch es te r road

343 Langford, John Harold
345 Lawrence, William
347 Head, Harry Ernest
349 Lewis, Mrs. Hannah
351 Bailey, Edward
353 Wicks, Mrs. Eleanor
355 Wing, Robert
357 Stacey, John
359 Barnes, Owen Henry
361 Dipper, Sydney Newman
363 Gray, Rev. Arthur Theodore
365 Burt, Ernest
367 Rowland, Thomas
369 Preston, James
371 Fletcher, James
373 Dunton, Albert
375 Laraman, William Rawlins
377 Rainbow, Henry George
379 Maskell, William Thomas
381 Russell, Flenry