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Stransom, Harry, 166 Castle st
Stransom, Leonard, Indout, Oak Tree
rd, Tilehurst
Street, A., 15 St. Bartholomewâs rd
Street, Ernest, Glenfarg, MarlÂ
borough av
Street, Thomas R., 18 Wokingham rd
Streeter, John, 51 South st
Strickland, Arthur G., 63 Lome st
Strong, Joseph, Highfield, 18 Woodcote road, Caver sham
Strong, Miss Eliza Rovvena, 112 OxÂ
ford rd
Strong, Mrs. M., Victoria rd, Tilehurst
Strong, Mrs. Martha, Aubinleigh
house, 109 Oxford rd
Stroud, Stephen, F ir Croft, Earley
H ill rd
Stroud, Thomas, 5 Alexandra rd
Stuart, Alfred D., Warren Height,
St. Peterâs avenue, Caversham
Stubbington, Henry, Potterne villa,
167 Whitley wood lane
Sturgis, George C., 21 St. BartholoÂ
mewâs rd
Stuman, Thomas, 23 Highmoor road,
Styles, Edwin, Rose villa, 86Pell st
Suddaby, James, The Cot, 5 BrunsÂ
wick hill
Sudul, William, 123 Castle st
Suffield, Mrs. R. Rodolph, Malvern
villa, 42 Craven rd
Summer, Walter, 9 Eastern ave
Summers, Francis E., 21 Green rd
Sumner, Thomas B., 27 Addington rd
Sutherland, Rev. J. A., b.a., Southwold, 8 Mansfield rd
Sutton, E. Philip Foquett, Bockmer,
Liebenrood road
Sutton, Henry James, Devon cottage,
105 St. Georgeâs rd
Sutton, H. Reginald, Dryburgh, 119
Kendrick rd
Sutton, Leonard Goodhart, j .p., HillÂ
side, Allcroft rd
Sutton, Martin Hubert Foquett, Erlegh Park, Whiteknights
Sutton, The Misses, Southernmead,
Northcourt avenue
Sutton, The Misses, Hillingdon, 39
Christchurch rd
Swain, J., Highclere, 9 Milman rd
Swain, Leopold, 26 Lorne street
Swain, P. F., Pad worth cottage, Oak
Tree rd, Tilehurst
Swain, Wm. Alfred, Wynchcroft,
Warwick rd
Swaite, Frederick J., 45 London st
Swan, Lauretta, Charleville, Woodcote rd, Cav
Swan, Sidney A., Hallmead, Whitley
Wood lane
Swan, Thomas, 58 London road
Sweatman, Walter J. II., f .r.u.s .,
Hilton, 34 Blenheim rd, Cav
Sweet, Cecil, Rodwell house, 37
Blenheim rd, Caversham
Swettenham, Mrs. E., 73 Tilehurst
Swift, Albert Frederick, 17 Uplands
rd, Cav
Sydenham, John, West view, 54 Greyfriars rd
Sydenham, Miss Muriel, 116 TileÂ
hurst rd
Sylo-Jones, J. L., m.a., East
Wing House, Reading School
Symonds, Arthur, 10 Wantage road
Symonds, Geo. E., 9 Christchurch rd
Tagg, William Martin, Beechwood,
16? Wokingham rd
Talbot, Ebenezer, Stone Croft, Peppard road, Caversham
Talbot, C. C., 9 Eldon road
Talbot, Fred, Wharf house, 186
Caversham rd
Talbot, Herbert L., 153 London rd
Talbot, George William, Kilmory,
22 Castle crescent
Talbot, Willrem, 1 a Tilehurst rd
Tallant, Arthur James, Elthorne 31
South view avenue, Caversham
Tame, Aldridge, 8 Jesse terrace
Tame, Miss A., 3 Zinzan st
Tame, T. R.,Baildon, 4 Darell rd.Cav
Tanner, E. S., 19 Argyle st
Tanner,Fred,Langdale Clifton park rd
Tanner, George, 130 Caversham rd
Tanner, Mrs. C., 25 Green rd
Taplin, Henry, 125 Oxford rd
Tapper, Fred William, Abbotsfield,
Warwick rd
Tappern, David, 268 K ingâs rd
Tappenden, Mrs. Elizabeth, 141
London rd