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p ro fessio n s
B e er R e ta ile rs â c o n tin u e d .
Beavis, Fred Ernest, Military Arms,
106 Queenâs rd
Betteridge, Mrs. L., The Victory, 85
Bedford rd
Bradbury, Noah, The Rose, 69 W eldale st
Brown, Charles H., Russell Arms,
2-4 Bedford road
Brown, W illiam J., The Imperial,
18 Watlington street
Burden, Charles, Brewers Arms, 18
Bridge st
Bush, James, 162 Wantage road (off)
Bushnell, W illiam , The Mount, 169
Southampton st
Butcher, George L., The Fountain,
92-94 Great Knollys st
Cane, S. T., Turnerâs Arms, 38 Coley
Chapman, Mrs. Mary, Royal William ,
8-10 Spring gardens
Cooper, Charles, Britannia Tap, 48
Caversham rd
Cox, George, Gardenersâ Arms, Surley Row, Caversham
Cox, Richard, 29 Salisbury rd
Davey, Frederick G., Lyndhurst
Arms, 88 Queenâs rd
Day, Mrs. Louisa, Talfourd Arms,
15 South st
Deane, Harry J., 17 St. Johnâs rd
Dee, George Edward, The Oatsheaf,
46 Broad st
Lodge, 62 Caversham road
Dowell, John Hadley, Y e Butchersâ
Arms, 19 Hosier street
Duguid, Charles B., Hop Leaf,
163-165 Southampton st
Earles, W illiam Henry, The Bugle,
144 Friar street
Eighteen, Mrs. Emma Sarah, 27 De
Beauvoir rd (off)
Emery, John Henry, The Cambridge
Inn, 109 Southampton st
Ennew, Mrs. Jane Elizabeth, 385
Oxford rd
Froud, Charles W illiam , The Queen,
2 Waterloo rd
Girdler, Phyllis Maria, 1 Caroline st
Glenville, John, The Rose & Crown, |
18-22 Coley st
Goddard, Arthur W illiam Thomasâ
Travellersâ Friend, 137 Friar street
Goddard, John, The Standard, 21
Brunswick st
Gorring, Henry John, The Boatbuildersâ Arms, 2-4 Watlington st
Green, Josiah, Swiss cottage, 27 Tilehurst rd
Harwood, Gilbert, True Patriot,
21 Orts rd
Hawkins, Charles, Buildersâ Arms,
35-37 Vachel rd
Heather, George, Gardenersâ Arms,
142-144 K in g âs rd
Hedginton, C., Prince of Wales, ReÂ
creation rd, Tilehurst
Herbert, George, Engineersâ Arms,
Katesgrove Lane
Henderson, Thomas, W hite Lion,
39 Chatham street
Higgs, Joseph, The Lion, 20 Castle st
Hinton, Mrs. Sarah Ann, The L ifeÂ
boat, 39 St. Johnâs rd
Holt, Henry, The Pheasant, 225
Southampton st
Hooper, Francis H., Alfred's Head,
148 Chatham st
H u n t, B ro s . (B o t t le d B e e rs ),
17 Duke st
George, Butcherâs Arms,
Lower Armour road, Tilehurst
Hutchins, W illiam J., Golden Key,
152 K in gâs rd
Jack, Mrs. Elizabeth, The Red Rose,
98 Southampton st
Johnson, Arthur Jesse, The SportsÂ
man, Shinfield road
Johnson, John, 75 Moimt pleasant (off)
Johnston, John Ogilvie, Queenâs
Arms, 24 Great Knollys street
Ivindell, Mrs. Mary, Eldon Arms, 19
Eldon terrace
King, Cyril, White Lion, 21-23
Abbey st
Knott, W illiam Charles, Brickmakersâ
Arms, 20-22 Wolesley st
Lacey, Henry Joseph, Derby Arms,
1 Derby street
Lawrence, Leonard, Rupert Arms,
17 Rupert st
Lawrence, Tom, Brewery Tap, 83
Broad st
Lay, Albert, The Victoria, 15-17
Eldon Terrace