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Kent, Harry G., Takasago, 30 Priory
avenue, Caversham
Kent, John Wallis, Warren-Tor, 28
Woodcote road, Caversham
Kent, Tom Rowland, Loch Lomond,
307 Oxford rd
Kentish, Mrs. Kate, Cleveden lodge,
Coley hill
Keogh, Michael, 4 Brunswick hill
Kernan, Rev. J., M.R., Abbey Ruins
Kernutt, Wilfred, 89 London st
Kerr, Wallace, 112 Queenâs road
Kershaw, Miss, Little Haven, Northcourt avenue
Kerwick, Frank, 293 London road
Kew, George, 66 Watlington st
Key, Arthur James, The Firs, north,
38 Hamilton rd
Kidgell, Miss Louisa, 4 Castle crescent
Kiff, Egbert, Maybank, 53 South View
avenue, Caversham
Kift, Charles, Pencoyd, 2 Darell rd,
Kift, Miss Lucy, Bentley, 46 Woodcote
rd, Caversham
Kilford, Joseph Henry, Roslvn, 88
Pell st
Kilpatrick, Mrs. Nellie, 99 London rd
Kimber, Mrs. Elizabeth, 22 Culver
Kimber, Robt, Downing rd, Tilehurst
Kimberlee, Mrs. M. J., 194 Oxford
Kinchin, Mrs. Gladys, 38 Western
Elms avenue
Kinchin, Thomas, Maisonette, 41
Tilehurst rd
King, Benjamin, 22 Prospect st
King, Charles, 81 Queenâs rd
King, Charles William, Gordon villa,
13 Bulmershe rd
Kang, Charles, 14 Melrose av
King, Edward Henry, Mytilene, 110
Blenheim rd, Caversham
King, Edmund, 22 Conisboroâ av., Cav
King, Henry, Coley lodge, Coley av
King, Henry F., 119 London road
King, Herbert A., 22 Queen Victoria st
King, Herbert, 23 Coley hill
King, Herber John, 12 Holmes rd
King, John, Sholebroke, 18 Priest hill,
King, The Misses L. & M., 41 BlenÂ
heim road, Cav
King, Mrs. SophiaAnn, 191 Oxford rd
King,Rev. Harold Wardley,l Green rd
King, William H., Ravely, Oakley
road, Caversham
King, William, 149 Waverley road
Kingham, George Henry, 46 ChristÂ
church rd
Kingham, Herbert Arthur, Crooksbury, Northcourt av
Kingham, Howard F., Monksbarn,
Grosvenor road
Kingston, Edwin H., Heatherview,
Northcourt avenue
Kingston, Harry, 13 London st
Kington, John Francis, Queensberry,
I Hamilton rd
Kirby, Frederick, 18 Waverley rd
Kirby, Harry, 110 Queenâs rd
Kirby, Mrs. M., The Red House,
Grosvenor rd, Caversham
Kirby, William Thomas, Treheme,
Oakley road, Caversham
Kirk, Edwin, 32 Hamilton rd
Kirk, The Misses, 34 Friar st
Kirkham, H. B., 45 Queenâs rd
Kirkham, Henry, Newlyn, Oakley rd,
Kleiser, A., 55 Oxford rd
Klesier, Misses, 1-7 Russell st
Knapman, IL, m.a., Wantage hall,
Upper Redlands rd
Knapp, Percy F., Chaddington, 33
Kendrick road
Knapp, Thomas Henry, 113 St.
Peterâs rd
Knapp, Thomas, 49 Kendrick road
Knight, Charles, Fairview, 99 South
Anew avenue, Cav
Knight, Joseph IL, 39 Erleigh rd
Knight, Thomas, 26 Wokingham rd
Knight, Thomas, 165 Oxford road
Knight,Thomas Henry, Ingleborough,
Blenheim rd, Caversham
Knights, Charles, Ellerslie,
Knights, George Edward, 16 Hemdean hill, Caversham
Knighton, Francis, Caversham house,
II Church st, Caversham
Knighton, Miss M., Hemdean house,
Hemdean rd, Caversham
Knott, James, 26 Erleigh rd
Knill, Owen Prosser, St. Ives,
Elmhurst rd