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co n tin u e d .

Duke’s Ride, Wellington College
Deliveries, 7 a.m., 10.10 a.m., 5.15
p.m. Sundays, 7 a.m. Despatches,
9.30 a.m., 3 p.m., 6.33 p.m., 9.33 p.m.
Sundays, 4.50 p.m.,
^ East Berks Golf Club — Hon.
Treasurer and Secretary, Capt. II.
H. M. Harris, professional, C. E.
Visitor, His Most Gracious Majesty
The King
President, H.R.H. the Duke of
Connaught, k .g. Vice-president, the
Earl of Derby, p.c., g.c.v.o., c.b. ;
Head Master, W. W. Vaughan, m .a. ;
Medical officer of the College, H. G.
Armstrong, m.b.c .s., ; Clerk to the
Governors, T. L. Kesteven; Bursar,
P. Sherston
W e llin g to n C o lleg e S tation .
Attride, Charles, Aves
Attride, Miss Emily, Woodside
Awmack, E. Barrett, Camwa
Blair, Miss, Heatherley
*Bamard, H. C., The Red house
fBarnes, Mrs., Ravenswood av
Boyle, Miss E. H., The Red Lodge
Brant, Mrs., Roman Ride lodge
Breton, Miss, Stanley villa
Brougham, Mrs. II. W., The avenue
Carter, Mrs., Jesmond Dene
Cautley, Capt. Henry, Barracane
Chichester, Lady Emily, Lambrenny
Clarke, Mrs., Barbon
Collett, William George, Quatre Bras
tDunsterville, Col. A. Bruce, Ivanhoe
Easterbrook, John, Blanco
Forrest, C. E., Woodlands
Freeman, Edward B„ Koliba
Harris, Capt. H. H. Marshall, The
Have, George, Trevear
* Horton, Benjamin, Heathermount
Hunter, Capt. William Chevers,
tJulian, X., Heatherdene
Knowles, Miss, Pinecote
McConaghey, Col. Harry, The Lodge
tMorris, Miss, Tralee
Murray, General, St. Enodoc

Payne, George, Pinehurst
Petty, J. Paxton, Casa Blanca
Phillips, Mrs. Spencer, Alderbrook
fRobinson, Ross, St. Ronan's
Rogers, Rev. Thomas Alfred, m.a.,
*Smith, Mrs. C., Ravenswood
Thorowgood, Frederick John, The
Townsend, William John, Woodside
Turner, Lt.-Col. G. Villiers, Llangar
Wright, Rev. W. H., m .a ., Berkeley
Wright, William J., Bank house

Attride, Bros., Ironmongers, motor
engineers and cycle agents
Barclay & Co. (with which is incor­
porated J. & C. Simonds, & Co.)
bankers—branch bank open daily
10 to 3 ;Saturdays, 10 to 1; W. J.
Wright, manager
Brake, C. J., estate office, The
C h a p p e l l , W a l t e r , C o a l and
Coke M erchant, W ellin gton
College Station and Crowthorne
Dean, Mrs. M. S., cook & confectioner
Dean, Thomas, carpenter
jHarding, Arthur A. R., boarding
house, Melbourne villa, Ravens­
wood avenue
Hill, Frederick C., stationer,
Post Office
Ilookham & Co., of Oxford, tailors
Hunt, Thomas, bookseller, stationer,
printer and bookbinder; hair­
dresser and perfumer
I fo u ld , M i s s e s G . & M., ‘W a t e r ­
loo Hotel'— ’Phone 45 Crowthorne
|James, William Joseph, ‘ Welling­
ton Hotel ’
James, Mrs. S. C., Waverley private
Jury, H. Irvine, stationmaster
Knowles, Vernon, dentist, The
Slatter, Mrs., boarding house, The
| Stevens, G., Wellington Hotel Tap
Tucker, W. H., architect
Ward, George S., baker and con­
tWillmott, Henry R., engineer, The