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Squire, Dr. E. H., 223 K ingâs rd
Squire, Robert, 80 Erleigh rd
Stacey, John, 357 London rd
Stacey, Mrs., 9 Rectory rd, Cav
Stacey, Thornas Joseph, Briantâs av.,
Stainton, Thomas, 122 Oxford rd
Staite, Frank Ernest, 21 Sidmeuth
Stall wood, J. St. Lawrence, Stanmore,
St. Barnabas rd, Cav
Stallwood, Spencer Slingsby, Whitley
Croft, 57 Christchurch rd
Standing, Albert E., 39 Tilehurst rd
Stanford, George, Atheldene, 19
Alexandra rd
Stanford, Miss Elizabeth Mary,Rondel
18 Castle crescent
Stanford, Mrs. Annie, 96 London rdStansfield, Charles E., m.a., Ingleside, 29 Redlands rd, upper
Stansfield, Frederick Wilson, m.d.,
120 Oxford rd
Staples, J. E., The- Gables, 108 Albert
rd, Caversham
Staples, Joseph Lea, Thornhill, 10S
Eastern av
Stapley, A. H., 27 Carnarvon rd
Stapley, William John, 4 Queen VicÂ
toria st
Starkey, Miss, 52 Castle st
Starling, James W., Wealdstone,
Kentwood road, Tilehurst
Stebbings, Harold, 27 St. BartholoÂ
mewâs road
Stebbings, W., 44 K in gâs rd
Stedman, Arthur B., 13 Craven rd
Stedman, Geo. Percy, 62 Elmhurst rd
Steele, Rev. Charles, The Gables,
Oxford rd
Steer, Rev. Thomas Richardson,
Oakdene, Shinfield rd
Stenton, F. M., m.a ., Wantage Hall,
Upper Redlands rd
Stephen, Arthur, 45 Blenheim road,
Stephens, Mrs. M., Thames Bank, OxÂ
ford rd, Tilehurst
Steptoe, William James, 204 TileÂ
hurst road
Stevens, Albert J., 207 Oxford rd
Stevens, Arthur, 2 Shaw rd
Stevens, Charles, 47 Carnarvon road,
Stevens, Chas. Alfred, 24 Talfourd av
Stevens, Ernest, 73 London rd
Stevens, Frederick Charles, 58 BasÂ
ingstoke road
Stevens, George, 208 King's rd
Stevens, Mrs. A. C., 107 Wantage
Stevens, Mrs. C., Quest, 21 The
Mount, Caversham
Stevens, Mrs. C. R., Eversleigh, 44
Alexandra rd
Stevens, Mrs. J. E., Redlands rise 63
Alexandra rd
Stevens, Richard, 278 K ingâs road
Stevens, Samuel Beven, Greenlands,
1 Redlands rd
Stevens, Walter S., Lyndhurst, WarÂ
wick rd
Stevens, William J., Oakdene, 12 St.
Bartholomewâs rd
Stevenson, Gordon, Sedgley, St.
Anneâs rd, Cav
Stevenson, The Misses, Winchester
House, 4 Southern hill
Steward, Mrs. S., Engeli, 14 College
Stewart, Percy L., Woodcote rd, Cav
Stiff, Mrs. Fanny Clara, 154 London rd
Stimson, Sidney, White cottage, 94
Albert rd, Caversham
Stimson, William John, The Cottage,
Blenheim rd, Caversham
Stobart, Robert, Fernville, Armour
rd, Tilehurst
Stock, Algernon Edward, Penmaen,
192 Tilehurst rd
Stock, Wm. James, 19 Junction rd
Stocker, Charles W., Ravens wood,
35 Eastern avenue
Stocking, Allen E.,247 Basingstoke rd
Stocks, John, 75 Wantage road
Stokes, Wilfred V.,
Talfourd av
Stokes, William C., 33 Carnarvon rd
Stone, John Henry, Godington, 69
Wokingham rd
Stone, Lawrence, Hillside, St. Anneâs
rd, Caversham
Stonehill, James, 3 Carnarvon rd
Storrs, Mrs. H. J., Inglenook,
Craven rd
Strand, Albert, 10 The Mount
Strange, Arthur, 36 Russell st
Strange, George, Laburnham, 8 UpÂ
lands rd, Caversham