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Caswell, T., general & shoeing smith,
Bull yard
Chapman, J. L., Blumfield terrace,
insurance agent
Chivers, G., wheelwright & carpenter
Collyer, P., school attendance officer,
Station rd
Colyer, Wm., dairyman, Blossom End
Cook, George, coal & coke merchant,
Bath rd
Corderov, Horace, draper, &c.
Cox, Mrs., Blossom End

Hi gh St., P u r v e y o r s of
M eat, Fish, Poultry,
G a m e a n d Ice.
T h e Old E s ta b lis h e d
H o u s e for H o m e Fed
M o t o r d e l i v e r i e s to
Alderm aston, Beenham , Bradfield,Bucklebury,
Padworth, Sulham pstead, W oolham pton,
in a d d i t i o n t o T h e a l e
a n d District.
’ P h o n e tx T h e a l e .
D a v ie s , D. M ., C o a l, C o k e an d
S a l t M e r c h a n t , a n d G .W .R .
C a r t a g e A g e n t — ’Phone 29
Deacon, A., teas and refreshments
Duffin, W. H., grocer, draper, &c.
Elsbury, Sergt., County Police
Fisher, Samuel, b r, ‘ Thatcher’s
Arms,1North st
F lo w e r ,W illia m ,G r o c e r , B a k e r
an d P r o v is io n M e r c h a n t —
’Phone 1Y
Forrester, John, Highway surveyor,
Bradfield District, Overdene, High
Cole, James, 1 v. ‘ Falcon Hotel ’
Goodey, Mrs., dressmaker, Wigmore
Goswell, Alfred, Blossom end
Goswell, Arthur, undertaker car­
penter and wheelwright



G r a n n a w a y , F ., M o to r B u ild e r
& R e p a ir e r . G a r a g e . Phone 22.
Telegrams, Grannaway, Theale, Berks
Hedges, Abraham, rod merchant
Herbert, Jesse b r, ‘ Volunteer Inn’
Holder, David, shoemaker
Horsford, Benjamin B., M.B., physic­
ian, surgery
Huban, Darius, chimney sweeper
Janes, Charles
King, Thos., cycle & motor engineer
Leavey’s Drapery Stores
Lovegrove, George
Minchin, Edwin, High stree
Nailor, H., The Elms
Nash, G., market gardener, Wigmore
Oliver, Wm. T., painter & decorator
Osmond, John, Wickcroft farm
Parrott, John, Beansheaf farm
Phillips, A. C., estate agent’s clerk
Reading Gas Company, Station road
Reading, Fredk., b r, ‘ The Lamb
rake and prong handle maker
Rudd, George Croft, schoolmaster
R o b e rts, H a rry G eo rg e, I v
‘ R a ilw a y H o t e l,’ an d jo b
m a s t e r — ’ P h o n e N o. 27
S a u n d e r s B r o s ., B u t c h e r s , h ig h
c la s s M e a t, P o u lt r y , F is h &
game— ’Phone 11
Sly, William J., postmaster
Snelling, Thomas, Blossom End farm
Sparvell, Herbert H., baker, grocei
and corn dealer
Staniford, Charles, steward to Mr.
Blagrave, Worlds End
Stroud, Mrs.Emma, 1v, ‘ White Hart
Taylor, Emma, 1 v, ‘ The Bull ’
Taylor, S. M., stationmaster, Hay­
ward’s farm
T u r t o n , J o h n , G r o c e r , W in e
S p ir it M e r c h a n t
Walford P., North st farm
W h it e , C h a r le s , 1 v , ‘C r o w n I n n '
— ‘Phone 26
White, R. A., dairyman and green­
Wigmore, Raymond, builder
Windle, Thomas, sanitary inspector,
inspector and surveyor of build­
ings, Bradfield
Y o u n g , John Matthew, chemist
stationer and newsagent
