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Redlands road —continued.
25 Pitt, Mrs. Foxley
Here is Elmhurst road
( Right hand side)
Reading College Grounds
2 Lucking, George
Footpath to Kendrick road
St. Andrew's Hall —Residential
Hall of the University College
(Ladies) -Warden, Miss Mary
Bolam, m.a.
10 Secretan, Walter Bernard, m .b.
(Lon), F.R.C.S. (Eng.),
lOATerrell, Charles, Bryn Gwyn
12 Yuill, Andrew, Wyvenhoe
14 Residential Hall of the University
16 Ayres, Arthur, Rotherwood
18 Duffield, Professor Walter Geo­
ffrey, D.SO.,
20 Mole, Mrs. Jessie, Tanfelde
22 Abdy, Mrs., Woodville
24 Jones, Cecil, Farringford
26 Egginton, Denys, f.s.i ..auctioneer
and valuer, The Chase
W all L e tte r Box
here is Morgan road
32 Baker, Hamilton, Mornington
34 Hubbard, Mrs. Elizabeth
36 Cockburn, George, Chaumont
40 Cobb, Mrs. Edward, Calthorpe
here is A llc ro ft road
46 Vincent, Harry, Harestone
48 Routh.W.Pole, am.i.c.e., m.i.m.e.,
civil engineer, Oakfield
here is Southern hill
50 Eggleton, Albert William
52 Bolton, Harry
54 Nash, George, dairyman, Rose
64 Barten, Harold Thomas
66 Simmons, Walter
68 Prebble, Miss
70 A ’Bear, The Misses
72 Tirbutt, Mrs. J. C. B., Sunnyside
P illa r Letter Box
R E D L A N D S R O A D (Upper).
( Right hand side from Eastern av.)
12 Curtis, Robert, jun.
14 Smith
16 Ferguson, John
18 Newbery, Percy

20 Hawker, Charles
22 Bailey, Professor A.
.24 Hicks, Rev. H. T.
Wall L e tte r Box
26 Faithfull, Mrs. William
28 Jones, Frederick
30 Armstrong, Rev. William, m.a .
32 Cotton, The Misses C. and E.,
31 Rowe, H. B.
38 Cunningham, Capt. James
40 Reed, Mrs. C. M., dressmaker
42 Foxell, Harry George,, (Lon.)
44 Coulton, Robert Charles
46 M;Conachie, Mrs. L.
Catholic Church of St. W illiam
of York — Ministers, Rev.
Francis J. Kernan, Rev. John
Doran and Rev. J. M. Couturier
64 St. Josep h ’ s C onvent, H igh
Class B oa rd in g and D ay
S chool fo r G i r l s ,
(P r e ­
paratory department for little
boys) evening classes
here is Alexandra road
Childs,William M., m.a , Principal
Reading University.
pal’s lodge
Wantage H all—Residential Hall
of University College (Gentle­
(L e ft hand side from Eastern av.)
1 Bradley, Mrs. Ellen Kate
lACurtis, Robert, offices and work­
3 Milson, William G., Clevedon ho.
5 Ellis, Fredk. Foster, Brackenbrae
7 Bastin, Alfred H., Wensley
9 Beesley, Miss K., Roseleigh
11 Coston, Mrs. Florence, Lashmore
13 Thorp, Horace Spencer
15 Rawlings, Alfred, Whinfell
17 Norris, Albert, The Woodlands
19 White, Frank John, Hazlewood
21 Cresswell, Sydney, Lyndhurst
23 Barrett, Mrs. Emily, Ilchester
25 Hart, Henry John, Chediston
27 Wells, Arnold John, Belmont
29 Stansfield, Charles E., m.a., Ingleside
31 Nicholls, Mrs. Carson, Sandymount
33 Jackson, Edward, j.p., Park House