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Atkinson, Walter, 20 Belleview rd
Attenbrow, Francis Walter, The
Feathers, Market pi
Attwood, George, 276 King's rd
Attwood, George Frederick, Radnor
lodge, Albert road, Caversham
Attwood, Herbert, 96 Hamilton rd
Aubrey, Mrs. Rose, 220 Waverley rd
Ault, James, 281 Oxford rd
Aust, Henry J., 6 Priory avenue, Cav
Aust, Thomas, Carnbrea, Northeourt
Aust, Thomas Edward, 20 Milrnan rd
Austen, Mrs. H. G., Whitley lodge,
Basingstoke rd
Austen-Leigh, Rev. A. II., Colintraive, Southcote rd
Austin, Miss Edith, 86 Hamilton road
Austin Mrs. Jane, St. Helenâs, MansÂ
field rd
Austin, Mrs. Mary, Sunnyside, 7
Downshire sq
Austin, Rev. Wentworth M., The
Orchard, 76 Albert rd, Caversham
Austin, William Robert, Le Chalet,
33 Bulmershe road
Aveline, Sydney, 109 Castle st
Avis, Mrs. & Miss Katie, 174 Oxford
Awmack, Harold S., 218 Tilehurst rd
Ayling, Wm. B., Lyss, 13 The Mount,
Ayres, Arthur, Rotherwood, 16 RedÂ
lands rd
Ayres, Ernest, The Maze, Earley hill
Ayres, Fredk. W., Harlech, 20 Derby
road, Caversham
Ayres, Miss Emily, 71 Wokingham rd
Babbage, Alfred Wm. P., 12 Rowley
Babbage, Alfred Edward, 302 Oxford
Back, Miss Annie, St. Clair, 34
Bulmershe rd
Backhouse, Frederick J., Armour
lodge, Armour rd, Tilehurst
Bacon, Edward, Vermontville, 41
South st
Bacon, Francis James, 301 London rd
Badcock, William, Avenue villa, 43
Eastern av
Baignet, Francis Edward, 11 Baker
Bailey, A., 22 Upper Redlands rd
Bailey, A. F., 103 Connaught rd
Bailey, Edward, 351 London rd
Bailey, Ernest, 11 Newcastle road
Bailey, Frank Albert, 112 Wantage rd
Bailey, G. S., 5 Highmoor rd, Cav
Bailey, Henry, 108 Queenâs rd
Bailey, Mrs. M., Clifford house, 43
Bulmershe rd
Bailey, William, 29 Caversham rd
Bainbrigge, William Parker Yates,
M.B., c.M., j.p., Hillcroft, 4-7 BerkeÂ
ley avenue
Baker, Bert W., 51 Baker st
Baker, Cecil Arthur, 35 Prospect st,
Baker, E. T., 23 Addington rd
Baker, Fredk. J., Wardle, Victoria
rd, Tilehurst
Baker, Hamilton, 32 Redlands rd
Baker, James House, Broford, 43
Green rd
Baker, Joseph, 26 Surrey villas, ArÂ
mour rd, Tilehurst
Baker, Elton, Stoneleigh, 48 Eastern
Baker, Miss Lynch, 22 Hamilton rd
Baker, Mrs. Sarah Ann, 28 Kendrick
Baker, Mrs. Maud, 70 Erleigh rd
Baker, Sidney, Widbury, Eastern av
Baker, W. W. Col., r .e ., (retired)
Ashleigh, Parkside, road
Baker, William, Richmond house,
Richmond rd, Caversham
Baker, William, The Firs, Gosbrook
rd, Caversham
Baldam, Thomas, Yokohama, 85
Hamilton rd
Baldwin, Geo., Stanley villa, Send rd,
Baldwin, Robert, 22 West st
Ball, Miss M. J., 99 Kingâs rd
Ballard, Edward, 5 Marlborough av
Ballard, Mrs. Emma, 82 Pell st
Ballard, Walter C., 59 Addington rd
Bance. Wm. Frederick, 30 Milman rd
Banks, Archibald J., 89 Hamilton rd
Barber, John S., 67 Lome st
Barber, Tom, Clovelly, 18 St. BarÂ
tholomewâs rd
Bardsley, Mrs. R. J., 72 Addington rd