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Thorp, Thomas, 111 London rd
Thorp, Thomas, junr., 4 Broad st
Thorpe, George, Bradenham, St.
Anneâs rd, Caversham
Thorpe, Herbert James, 5 South
View avenue, Caversham
Thorpe, J. C., Reading School,
Craven rd
Threlfall, Mrs. F. J., 135 London rd
Thurley, John, 91 Addington rd
Thurston, Rev. E. De B., St. Saviourâs
house, Wolseley st, Coley
Tibbie, Frederick, 26 Caversham rd
Tigwell, Mrs. Annie, St. Kilda, BlunÂ
dellâs rd, Tilehurst
Tilley, George H., Westwood, Oakley
rd, Caversham
Tillner, Hermann, 172 Oxford rd
Timberg, Richard T., Forshem, 64
London rd
Timberlake, Arthur, Surley Row,
Timberlake, John, 187 Caversham rd
Tims, Frank, Lock view, Thames side
Tindall, Charles James, 28 Melrose
Tirbutt, Mrs. J. C. B., 72 Redlands
Titchener, Mrs. M., 4 Peppard rd,
Titcombe, William, 94 Crescent road
Tobitt, A., Woodlands, 31 Conisboro
avenue, Caversham
Tobitt, P. W., 11 Eldon rd
Tombs, Mrs. Charlotte, 31 Blenheim
rd, Caversham
Tomkins, Owen, 40 Western Elms
Tomlin, J. R., 120 Hamilton road
Toogood, Mrs. Agnes, 176 Oxford rd
Toovey, John, Clarence villa, 18
College rd
Topp, George Augustus, 19 London st
Toppin, Mrs. A., St. Edmunds, 31
Alexandra rd
Toulmin, Miss M. E. C., 7 Bulmershe
Tovey, Mrs. Mary, Chilworth, 14 DenÂ
mark rd
Towner, Edward, 162 London rd
Towner, Mrs. K., 2 Argyle st
Towner, Thomas, 25 Christchurch rd
Townsend, Frank, 53a Christchurch
Townsend, Thomas, 61 Baker st
Tramner, Win. Henry, 15 Warick rd
Tranter, Mrs. Henry, Eastworth villa,
30 Eastern avenue
Trask, JohnRobt., 13 Christchurch rd
Trayhorn, Henry George, Welford, 14
Uplands rd, Caversham
Tregay,Mrs. Alfred,17 Donnington rd
Tremlett, James Henry, Airedale 4
Priory av, Caversham
Trewman, Mrs., 136 Tilehurst rd
Tribe, C., Tegfan, 14 Harrogate rd,
Triggs, James Robert, 31 Lorne st
Trinder, Arthur, 79 Waverley road
Trotter, Rev. Canon, 30 Christchurch
Trueman, Mrs. Amy, 35 Blagrave st
Truman, Henry E., Crescent rd, TileÂ
Truman, Stephen Joseph, Myra
Cottage, 137 Wantage rd
Trve, Commander J. H., r .n ., KentÂ
wood, Kentwood hill, Tilehurst
Tubb, Geo. Ravensden, 129 South
view avenue, Caversham
Tucker, Frank, Coronation House,
Newcastle rd
Tucker, Geo. Hy., 313 Oxford rd
Tuckfield, Charles, 20 Russell st
Tulfnell, Edward, Torwood, 44 ColÂ
lege rd
Tufnail, Mrs. Annie, 4 Junction rd
Tuggey, Frederick, 2 Forest villas,
Recreation rd, Tilehurst
Tuggey, Miss Eliza, 25 Jesse terrace
Tull, David, 172 Castle st
Tull, M., 27 Donnington rd
Tunbridge, Francis F. A., 3 College rd
Tunbridge, Frederick, 39 Castle st
Turner, Charles, Victoria cottage,
Recreation rd, Tilehurst
Turner, Charles, 28 Prospect st, Cav
Turner, Charles, Guildford House, 167
Kingâs rd
Turner, Frederick W., 331 London rd
Turner, George, 14 Wokingham rd
Turner, George, Garsford house, 75
Alexandra road
Turner, George Wynton, 94 Eastern
Turner, II. J., 10 Argyle st
Turner, Misses Martha and Matilda,
Caversham rise, Peppard rd, Cav