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St. John's Mission Room
5 Bell, Mrs. Mary
7 King, Charles
9 Smith, Daniel
11 Barrett, Mrs. Isaac
13 Dubber, William
15 Wilkins, Edward
17 Dimond, William Henry
19 Cheadle, John Henry
21 Egan, Mrs. Hannah
23 Challis, Henry James
25 Orchard, Mrs. Sarah
27 Terry, Samuel
29 Challis, Clare
31 Cook, Harry
33 Hawkins, John Charles
35 Hewer, George
37 Atkin, Ernest William
39 Lovejoy, Charles Frederick
(R ight hand side).
2 Cox, David
4 Baker, Benjamin
6 Willmott, George
8 Sloper, John
10 Tollovey, Henry
12 Lailey, Frederick George
11 Blake, William
16 Streams, Joseph
18 Graddige, Thomas
20 Budd, Frank
22 Burbidge, John William
24 Webb, William
26 Collinson, Mrs. George
28 Carter, Mrs. Elizabeth
30 Barton, William
32 Bawdon, Mrs. Martha
34 Wood, William Henry
36 R o g e r s , VV. & T ., L a d ies’ &
Gent’s tailors and breeches
makers, &c., Inglewood
Rogers, Giddings Thomas
P R I O R Y A V E N U E , Church S t . ,
C aversham .
( Left hand side)
3 Moring, Frank E., Pearlville
7 White, Miss Rose, Vivod
9 Brown, Mrs. G. R., The Rosary
11 Roberts, Frank Granville, Endellion
P R IN C E S S T R E E T , London
13 Wallace, Ernest Howard, Chimes
R o ad ,
Leonard, Hillside
( Left hand side).
17 Denman, William Darrell, Ken1 N orth, H en ry U n d e rta k e r,
carpenter and monumental mason


Marshall, Davirl
lien wood, Mrs. J.
Davies, Daniel
Lambert, George
Marsh, William T.
Noakes, Albert E.
Waugh, John, g d
here is Albany road
48 Gosden, Frank Harry
50 Milton, Walter Herbert
52 Yates, Frank
54 Abel, Arthur
here is Elm Park road
56 McCathy, Mrs. Florence, g d
58 D a y , F r a n k , T i c k e t an d
show card writer
60 Henwood, Mrs. Adeheid D.
62 Galbraith, Robert
64 Jones, William Henry
66 Baugh, Alfred
68 Overton, Horace
70 Haslam, Mrs. Emma
72 Manning, Frederick J.
74 Ayling, Harry Freeland, draper,
&c., and post office
here is Belmont road
76 Badger, Mrs. Sarah, g d
78 Clements, George
80 Trinder, Walter Harry
82 Barnes, Frederick
84 Sarjent, Alfred E.
86 Ladd, Frederick
88 Vass, Albert
90 Haddock, Robert John, builder
and decorator
92 Blackmore, Walter
94 Clack, Wm. G. H., grocer, etc.
here is Cranbury road
96 Upfold, George John
98 King, William Archer
100 Glass, George
102 Payne, George
104 Harris, Thomas A.
106 Smith, George
108 Thorpe, Rupert
110 Howland, Horace
112 Gladwell, Alexander J.
114 Richardson, Charles