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95 Appleton, George & Sons, con­

97-99-101 Venner, M. & Sons,
bacon curers, sausage manu­
facturers, egg, butter, and pro­
vision merchants —’Phone 61
103 Hoskins, W illiam H., tailor
105 Wellard, Edward Augustian,
English and foreign fruiterer
107 Rowe, W illiam , baker & grocer
here is U p p e r C row n s tre e t
109 Emery, John Henry, b r, 1 The
Cambridge Inn ’
111 Hiscocks, Sydney, greengrocer ;
ladies’ and gents’ tailor
113-115 Huggins,
corn and forage merchant
— ’Phone 492
117 Simonds, James, b r, ‘ Green
Dragon ’
119 Theobald, Job, wholesale fruit
and potato merchant— 'Phone
121-123 Spencer, Sidney H., tobacco­
127-129 Nott & Monk, coal merchants
’Phone 381
here is L ily place
131 Findlay, Mrs. Jean, certificated
133 Kirby, Mrs. Phcebe
135 Chamberlain, Mrs.
137 Rose, David, j .p .
139 King, Charles, boot repairer
141 Beechey, A lfred
143 Slay, Joseph Henry145 Rose, George, chimney sweep
and carpet beater
147 Rose, Mrs. Charlotte Jane
149 Packer, George
151 Archer, Edmund George
Education Committee Kitchen
here a re V ic t o r ia cottages
157 Ellis, Mrs. Mary M., fish frier
159 Hodges, Alfred, newsagent and
161 Englefield, Sidney George, ward­
robe dealer
163-165 Duguid, Charles, b r, ‘ The
Hop Leaf ’
here is M o u n t place
169 Bushnell, W illiam , b r, ‘ The
Mount ’
175 Williams, Mrs. E. M.



177 West, Samuel
West, Ernest A.
179 Stevens, John
181 Higgs, W illiam Austin
183 Smith, W illiam Henry
183APiercy, W illiam
185-187 Waters, John & Son, hot
water engineers, steam fitters
189 Keif, Simon Edward
191 Parsons, Harry
193 Nicholls, James
195 Sherwood, Reuben
197 Waters, William
199 Honey, Frederick James
201 Hunt, Henry
203 Jones, George Edward
205 Anderson, W illiam George
207 Fostekew, Thomas
209 North, Thomas, bricklayer and
211 Giles, W illiam
213 Smith, Victor
215 Jardine, Charles Henry
217 Coppuck, Bert, plumber and
219 May, George
221 Webb, Arthur
223 Allen, Charles, General
225 Holt, Henry, b r, ‘ The Pheasant ’
(R ig h t hand side).
2 H ill, Philip, grocer and provision
8 Downie, Mrs. Elizabeth, g d
10 Aldred, Stephen, b r, ‘Lord Clyde’
here is K a tes gro ve lane
12 St. Giles’ coffee house— Bunting
Mrs. Harriet, proprietress
here is M und esley s tre e t
22 May, Henry Charles
24 Gant, F. J., fruit and floral mart.
26 Noyes, Miss Mary
30-32 Cook, George, antique dealer
here is M a n o r c o u r t
34 Athersuch, James, 1 v , 1 Red Lio n ’
36 Bushell, John
38 Hadley, Charles, fish frier
40 Osborne, Edward James
42 Higgs, Albert
44 Higgs, James
46 Girdler, Arthur
48 Hadley, Charles, confectioner
here is S t. G iles's C hurchyard
54 Thorp, Ernest, baker