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Smith, Frank, 411 London rd
Smith, Fredk. James, 11 Waylen st
Smith, Frederick William, Melrose,
23 Culver rd
Smith, G. S., j .p., Hatherwood, 4
Derby road, Caversham
Smith, Garland, Chilton lodge,
Berkeley avenue
Smith, George, Claremont, Recreation
rd, Tilehurst
Smith, George, 97 Castle st
Smith, George W., 3 K ing st
Smith, Gervaise, 245 Basingstoke rd
Smith, Harry, Glenfell, 51 Blenheim
rd, Cav
Smith, Henry Charles, 18 Russell st
Smith, Horace, 120 Basingstoke rd
Smith, Howard R., Hillsboroâ house,
4 Glebe road
Smith, James Bertini, 12 Melrose av
Smith, Jas. H., Burderop, 60 Kidmore
rd, Caversham
Smith, John, Bordvke, 16 Albert rd,
Smith, Josiah, Richmond villa, 33
Culver rd
Smith, Miss Edith, 92 Crescent rd
Smith, Miss Elizabeth, 14 Jesse ter
Smith, Miss Florence, 19 Eastern
Smith, Miss L, A., 89 Crescent rd
Smith, Miss R. 10 Junction rd
Smith, Miss S. J., 201 K ingâs rd
Smith-Masters, Rev. H. A ., 28 MorÂ
gan road
Smith, Mrs. J. L. M., 17 Coley hill
Smith, Mrs. R., Braxton, Derby rd,
Sm:th, Rev. Henry R. Cooper-, d.d.,
The Rectory, Church end, Tilehurst
Smith, Rev. W. Sinclair, Homelands
16 Western Elms avenue
Smith, Robert Thomas, Bryntinion
20 Prospect st
Smith, Thomas J., 6 Talfourd av
Smith, William, 50 Addington rd
Smith, William, jun., 39 London st
Smith, William, sen., 50 South st
Smith, W. C., 15 Caversham rd
Smith, William G., Cliftonville, 21
Hemdean rise, Caversham
Smith, Wm. George, 36 College rd
Smith, William Henry, j .p ., The
Lawn, 45 Upper Redlands road
Smith, Williafn Henry, 51 Berkeley
Smith, Woodford, Oak Tree rd, TileÂ
Snashall, Frederick, Atbara, SI.
Anneâs rd, Caversham
Snell, Joel G., 22 Eldon rd
Snow, Misses Mary and Elizabeth, 8
Milman rd
Soloman, Miss, 29 Green road
Somerscales, Henry, 43 Zinzan st
Somerset, Edward, Coburg lodge, 77
London road
Soole, Mrs. Seymour II., Sunnyhome,
3 Castle crescent
Sopp, George, 11 Russell st
Sorrell, Robert B., 25 Belleview rd
Soundy, Francis Thomas, 90 BasingÂ
stoke rd
Soundy, James Scholefield, Heathville, 41 College rd
Soundy, William, 52 Berkeley av
Southern, George J., Altonbury, 83
Whiteknights road
Soutter, Mrs. Ruth, Lakeside, 36
Talfourd av
Sparkes, Mrs., Church end. Tilehurst
Sparks, Lewis Christopher, 4 Argyle
Sparks, Thos. Charles, 83 K in gâs rd
Sparks, William, Gloucester house,
25 Prospect st
Sparrow, F. H., 46 Oxford rd
Sparrow, James, 94 Hamilton rd
Spencer, George, 23 Christchurch rd
Spencer, Herbert E., 35 A rgyle st
Spencer, James, 222 K ingâs rd
Spencer, James Thomas, Newlvn,
Kendrick rd
Spencer, Thomas B., Homelea, 66
Kidmore rd, Caversham
Spikes, Walter F., b.a., Ashcroft, 47
Alexandra rd
Spir,Thomas W. E., 6 Beresford rd
Spittle, Benjamin, Albury house, 202
Tilehurst rd
Spivey, James Walter, Homeland,
42 Blenheim rd, Caversham
Sprat ling, John, Mortimer, Crescent
road, Tilehurst
Spring, Fredrick William, 24 Morgan
Springell, G., 24 Surrey villas, A rÂ
mour rd, Tilehurst