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5 46
Bragg, James, Mentmore, 10 Glebe
Brain, Sydney, Kelvin, 48 Alexandra
Brain, The Misses, Clovelly, 4 DenÂ
mark road
Brain, Walter John, Kendrick house,
2 Kendrick road
Brake, Charles, 68 London rd
Branett, James Wm., 79 Wantage rd
Branker, Thomas, Rev., Priest in
charge, St. Andrewâs Clergy house,
8 Harrogate road, Caversham
Brant, James, Elboo, 417 London rd
Bray, George Wm., 13 Bath road
Breedon, William Ross, Milverton,
83 Crescent road
Brett, George, 447 Oxford road
Brett, Thomas, Winsbury, 40 College
Brewer, George Stanley, Ingleside,
31 Culver road
Brewer ton, Albert C., Kiln house,
Emmer Green, Caversham
Brewerton, Mrs. A. C.,30G Oxford rd
Bridge, Col. Charles Henry,c .b .,c.m.c .,
Ballinaboye, Shinfield road
Bridges, John, Palmerstone, Belle av
Bridgman, Harry, Woodlandâs Farm,
Lower Henley road, Caversham
Bridgewater, Harold Langlois, The
Rowans, 20 Kidmore road, Cav
Bridgewater, William, The Rowans,
Kidmore road, Caversham
Briers, Alfred, 50 Talfourd avenue
Brigham, George L , 27 Eastern av
Brigham, Miss M. F., 96 Eastern av
Brind, George, Myrtle cottage, 26
Conisboroâ avenue, Caversham
Brindley, George, 1 South st
Brinkworth, Harry, 131 Friar street
Brinn, Justins W. J., Berkeley house,
25 Bath road
Brinsden, James F., Norcot road,
Brinson, John Paul, r.b .a., West
Woodlands, 12 Brunswick hill
Brinson, Mrs. E., 54 Tilehurst road
Brinson, Mrs. J. S., 12 Brunswick hill
Brisco-Owen, Miss Florence Edith,
79 London street
Broad, Isaac R., 17 Redlands road
Broad, Mrs. John, Cliftonville, 3
Erleigh rd
Broad, Miss, Stratfield, 37 College rd
Broadbear, Samuel, 77 Wantage rd
Broadbent, Col. John E., c. b ., j . p.,
Fynesbury, Southcote road
Broadbent, The Hon. Mrs..Fynesbury,
Southcote road
Broadhurst, Miss Mary, The Meadow,
Grosvenor road
Broadley, Arthur, Coniston, 37 MelÂ
rose avenue
Broadway, Alfred, 25 Eldon square
Bromley, Edwin John, Cromer, VicÂ
toria road, Tilehurst
Bromwich, George D., 12 BasingÂ
stoke rd
Bronsdon, Walter, 10 Rectory road,
Bronsdon, Walter Hubert, Glenwood,.
Rectory road, Caversham
Brookman, William, Audubon, 36
South view avenue, Caversham
Brooks, -Rev. Leonard, 23 Alexandra
Brooks, Richard Philip, Bardsey, 19
Bath road
Brough, Edward, 80a Addington rd
Brown, Arthur, Kimbolton, 3 South
View avenue, Caversham
Brown, Cecil George, Verdala, 1
South view avenue, Caversham
Brown, Charles, 23 New road
Brown, David, 31 Melrose avenue
Brown, Edward, 1 Melrose avenue
Brown, Frank, Isoma, The Warren,
Brown, Frederick, 49 Castle street
Brown, Frederick, 49 Russell street
Brown, George F., 231 Basingstoke
Brown, Henry C., Brooke house,
Berkeley avenue
Brown, Henry John, Chudleigh, 14
Priory avenue, Caversham
Brown, Herbert, 36 Surrey villas,
Armour road, Tilehurst
Brown, James Dymore, Heidelberg,
Warwick road
Brown, John, Belgrave cottage, 15
Milman road
Brown, Joseph, 243 Oxford road
Brown, Joseph Alfred, 1 Argyle st
Brown, Mrs. & Miss, 40 Conisboro1
avenue, Caversham
Brown, Mrs. Dymore, 20 Queenâs rd