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Sherwood, Edwin, 17 Wokingham rd
Sharp, Arthur Leopold, 10a Bridge
Sherwood, Henry, 286 K ingâs rd
st, Caversham
Sherwood, Herbert A., Linden, 4
Sharp, Benjamin, m.a ., 8 ChristÂ
Craven rd
church gardens
Sherwood, Mrs., Culverdene, 45 CulÂ
Sharp, Capt. Gerald M., 2 Southcote
ver road
road, west
Sherwood, William, Haytor, 22 MatÂ
Sharp, Charles, 2 Ilemdean hill, Cav
lock road, Caversham
Sharp, James, 85 Baker st
Shippam, F. A.. Kelsale, 9 Erleighrd
Sharp, L., 24 Ilemdean hill, Cav
Shipway, William, 151 Oxford rd
Sharpe, Jesse II., 22 Northumberland
Shirley, Archibald James, Tolverne,
79 Alexandra rd
Sharpe, Mrs. W. H., Corbiere, 19 Kid- j
Shorney, Arthur Shepherd, Donismore rd, Caversham
Sharpe, Sidney James, Tintern, 32 j thorpe, Northcourt av
Short, Charles Edward, 66 BasingÂ
Matlock rd, Caversham
stoke rd
Sharpe, Thomas, The Knowle, WoodShort, George, 296 K ingâs rd
cote rd, Caversham
Short, Herbert G., 12 Matlock road,
Shattock, Alfred Robert, 92 CaverÂ
sham rd
Short, Samuel, Verulam, Coley Park
Shaw, Charles G., Pine Cones, 1 Darell
road, Caversham
Short, William H., 78 London rd
Shaw, Edward, Hollington house, 27
Shorter, Charles, 62 K in gâs rd
Hamilton rd
Shrimpton, Mrs. Rose, 220 Tilehurs t
Shavlor, A. C., Greenbank 17 The
Mount, Caversham
Shrimpton, William Clarke, Penmon,
Shear wood, Mrs. Eliza, 323 London rd
67 Alexandra rd
Sheldon, Frederick, 28 The Mount
Shrubsole, Octavius Albert, f .g.s .,
Sheldon, Theophilus, 66 College ro^d
Thorndale, 40 Craven rd
Shell, Mrs. Annie, 36 St. BartholoÂ
Shuttle, Samuel, The
mewâs rd
Church rd, Earley
Shelley, William, 75 South st
Shuttle, Sidney R., 12 Bulmershe rd
Shepherd, Alfred, Ainsdale, Victoria
Silver, Edwin P., Ingatestone, 35
rd, Tilehurst
Blenheim rd, Cav
Shepherd, Arthur Charles, 5 St. BarÂ
Silver, James, 5 Abbottâs walk
tholomewâs rd
Silvey, Mrs., Coombe lodge, 118
Shepherd, Edwin J., Carisbrook,
Hamilton rd
Albert road, Caversham
Sime, William, Thornliebank, St.
Shepherd, Henry Charles, Eversley
road, Caversham
Belle avenue
Simkins, W m.E., b . sc., 8 Waverley rd
Shepherd, John, 3 Maitland road
Simmonds, Ernest R., Melville, Glebe
Shepherd, Miss Mary Jane, St. Elmo,
13 College rd
Simmonds, Harry, 20 Bridge st, Cav
Shepherd, William, Lonsdale, 96
Simmonds, Neville M., Meadowcroft,
Kendrick rd
17 Conisboro av., Caversham
Shepherd, William H., Ben Wyvis,
Simmons, J., 161 Waverley road
84 Hamilton rd
Simmons, Maurice, Bergholt, Bath rd
Sheppard, Ambrose, 26 Waylen st
Simmons, Mrs. Sarah, 2 Argyle st
Sheppard, Arthur, 20 Armour road,
Simmons, Misses Sarah and Mary,
4 Sidmouth street
Sheppard, Miss Blanche, 7 Russell st
Simmons, Oliver, 55 Carnarvon road
Sherval, W. F., 98 Kingâs rd
Simmons, Percy, 18 The Mount
Sherwood, Albert W., 55 Lorne st
Simmons, Thomas, Netherton, Oxford
Sherwood, Arthur Hugh, Elmside, 46
rd, Tilehurst
Berkeley avenue