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Whitchurch Fire Stationâ Captain,
H.Lewendon ; sub-captain, C. E x c e ll,
Firemen, J. Howes, S. Bennett;
A lbert Green, H. Alderman, W.
Turner, E. Aldridge and W. Adby
Post, money order & savingsâ bank
officeâ Letters delivered 6-35 a.m.,
9-30 a.m., 12 a.m., 3-45 p.m. callers
o nly; 5-45 p.m.; Sundays, 6-35a.m.
Despatched 9-45, 11-55 a.m., 3, 6-30
and 7-55 p.m .; Sundays, 10.35 a.m.
Telegraph office, insurance and
annuity. Miss Sarah Cross, sub-postÂ
mistress. Hardwick road letter box
cleared at 9.50 a.m., 2.55 and 7.45
p.m .; Sundays, 10-35 a.m.
Argles, Guy, The W hite cottage
Baverstock, Rev. E. P., The rectory
Bayley, Mrs. Annie, Esk cottage
Birch, C., m . r.c.s., l .r .c.p ., Manor cott.
Blackall-Simonds, Geo., Holly Copse
Blandford, Sidney, Hardwick farm
Cardew, Sir F â k .c.m .g., Tudor cott.
Craddock, Ernest T., W estHolmefarm
Douglas, Mrs. White Ways
Edwards, Rev. Lionel Godfrey, St.
Johnâs Parsonage
Flower, James, The Croft
Forbes, Major P. W., Whitchurch ho
Formby, R. F. R., Duchess close
Foster, Mrs. John, Walliscote
Gordon, Hugh, The Baulk cottage
Gray, Mrs., Eastfield
Herbert, Sir Arthur, The M ill hous.e
Inman, Talfourd, j . p . , The Mount
Kimber, Henry, Whitchurch hill
Lamb, George, Manor farm
Marchant, Miss Mary, Y ew Tree cot
Middimore, Mrs., Rosemary
Milner, Mrs. Ann, The Rise
Nelson, M., White house
Palmer, Chas.H., j.p.,Bozedownhouse
Pearson, Frank L., Swanston house
Radford, Rev. E. M., The cottage
Rayden, WTlliam, Covert cottage
Rose, Sir Frank, Hardwick house
Slatter, Miss Elizabeth A., W allisÂ
cote cottage
Speer, Ewart G., (Secretary to C. H.
Palmer, j.p.), Elm cottage
Thomas, M rs. Ellen, Thames bank
Thomson, G. C., Milverton cottage
Whitfield, Miss Edith A.
Wicks, Herbert John, Path H ill
W ilder, F. L., Underwood
Wood, M iss G., Uplands
Aldridge, Harry, Beech farm
Alexander, W ., P.c.
Baker, Wrn., 1 v, Bridge House Hotel
Brown, William, br, âThe Greyhound â
Cross, Miss Sarah, post office
Exier, F. W., gardener, Bozedown ho.
Filkins, John, 1 v, â Royal Oak â
Goodall, T., plumber, &c, Myrtle cott.
Hathaway, William, toll keeper, The
Hiscock, H., agent for Sir Frank Rose,
H olly Copse
Holmes, John & Son, smiths, etc.
Holmes, Mrs. H. J., house agent
lies, John, lock keeper
Kerr, Thomas, blacksmith and b r r
V hitchurch gate
Nott, S. J., gardener, Thames Bank
Pearson, William, br, â The Sun,â
H ill Bottom
Plant, F., resident engineer, electrical
Pocock & Son, shoe warehouse
Rawle, J., coachman, The Mount
Reeves, W., baker, Hill Bottom
Rushby, Henry, bailiff to Bozedown
house, Bozedown farm
Sellwood Brothers, grocers
Smith, Wm., game keeper,Beechwood
Swift, John, Hardwick farm
Trollope, E., gardener, Walliscote
Wheeler, T., baker, grocer, &c., post
office, Whitchurch hill
W icks Albert, Coombe Park gardens
W iley, A., M ill cottage
E. J a c k s o n & S o n s , Jacksonsâ
Corners, Reading, Practical Tailors,
Patterns and Styles sent post free ;
Ladiesâ T a ilo rin g a speciality.
W O O D C O T E (O xon).
P a n g b o u m e P o sta l D is tr ic t.
Postal, money order, postal order,
& savings bank office. Letters deÂ
livered week-days, 7-40 a.m. & 2-30
p.m .; despatched week-days, 11-15
a,m. & 6 p.m., Sundays, 7-40 a.m. &
9.50 a.m. Telegraph office, 8 a.m. ta
8 p.m.â T. Smith, sub-postmaster.