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Hawker, Thomas, 244 Oxford rd
Hawker, The Misses, 174 Castle st
Hawker, William, 298 Oxford rd
Hawkes, Ernest, Wokingham rd
Hawkes, F., Highbury, 17 Green rd
Hawkes, Miss I,., Colston, Warwick rd
Hawkes, Mrs. J. H., 49 London road
Hawkins, Douglas Hugh, 212 TileÂ
hurst rd
Hawkins, Francis, m.d., 73 London st
Hawkins, Fred Geo., 221 London rd
Hawkins, George, 29 Southampton st
Hawkins, George H., Rhonallea, 1
Mansfield road
Hawkins, Herbert L., 38 The Mount
Hawkins, Hugh, Rotherfield grange,
61 Bath rd
Hawkins, J. F., Calcot Hangers,
Cockney hill, Tilehurst
Hawkins, Jas. Thos., Grovewood,
Grove hill, Caversham
Hawkins, John Charles, South View,
Darell rd, Caversham
Hawkins, John Luther. 13 The Mount
Hawkins, William, 30 Hamilton rd
Hawtin, Edwin H., 95 Wantage rd
Hay, Mrs. Ellen and Miss Mary,
Jacolines, 1 Marlborough avenue
Hayden, Mrs., 97 Blenheim rd, Cav
Hayden, Mrs. E., 40 Queen's rd
Hayden, Charles James S., Ilsley,
Northumberland av
Hayes, Charles, Rosmead, 44 Wcodcote rd, Caversham
Hayes, George, Dean Cottage, Dean's
rd, Caversham
Hayes, William H., 7 Lorne street
Haynes, Reginald F., Yoho, Woodcote
rd, Caversham
Haynes, William, 11 Victoria sq
Hayter, Charles, 73 Pell st
Hayter, Wilfred, Llanberis,Morgan rd
Hayward, Arthur H. P., Ravenscarre,
8 Talfourd av
Hayward, Jabez AV., 134 Castle st
Hayward, Miss, Belsize, Northcourt
Hayward, Stanley, Hazelwood, 13
Kendrick rd
Hazell, E., 17 Oxford rd
Head, Harry Ernest, 347 Londoxi road
Heal, Ernest G., Malden, Oakley rd,
Heale,Francis R., Walmer, 28 Bath rd
Healey, James, The lodge, Parkside
Heap, James, 7 Talfourd avenue
Heath, Arthur, Iona, Blundells road,
Heath, Capt. Edwin, 14 New road
Heath, Frederick James, The Nest,
Talfourd av
Heath, Mrs. Mary, 9 Alexandra road
Heath, Thomas, 56 Milman road
Heath, Thomas, 287 London road
Hector, James Masson, Lydgate,
Northcourt av
Hedderley, James, 54 Oxford road
Hedgcock, Edwin, St. Margarets, 2
Sliinfield rd
Hedges, William, 34 Melrose avenue
Hedington, Mrs. Frances J., 114
Wokingham road
Hedington, William George, 98
Wokingham road
Ileelas, Edward, 124 Hamilton road
Helps, H. Douglas, Donegal, NorthÂ
court avenue
Hcmbrow,C. J.,6 St. Bartholomewâs rd
Hembrow, John, Uplands, 20 Priest
hill, Caversham
Henderson, Capt. John S. (g.h.)
Pendennis, 12 Castle crescent
Henderson, Charles E. T., 16 Thames
Henderson, Douglas AV., 71 Baker
Henderson, Miss L., Worsley, Victoria
road, Tilehurst
Henderson, AAâilliam, 25 Craig av
Hendv, Adolphus Granville, 105 St.
Peterâs rd
Hendy, Edwin, 49 Baker st
Hendy, Henry AA'm., 143 AA'antage rd
Hendy, Mrs. Ann. 47 Talfourd av
Henman, AValter. James, j .p., (Oxon),
St. Ives, Kendrick rd
Henson, Albert AVilliam, 63 Russell st
Henwood, Thos., E, Auricula villas,
16 Hamilton rd
Hepple, Rev. John Dixon, m.a., The
Elms, 19 Christchurch gardens
Hepple, Mrs. Alicia, The Elms, 19
Christchurch gardens
Herbert, Arthur, 22 St. Maryâs butts
Herbert, Charles E., 71 Oxford rd
Herbert, George, Corinium, 103\A'antage rd