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Moore, Walter A., 5 College road
Moore, William, The Dahlias, 14
Priest hill, Caversham
Morgan, Capt. F. G. C. M., Governorâs
house, H.M. Prison, Forbury rd
Morgan, Mrs. M., 48, Kendrick road
Morgan, Mrs. Emma, Broomhill, St.
Peterâs avenue, Caversham
Morgan, Thomas James, 28 Russell st
Moring, Frank E., Pearl ville, 3 Priory
avenue, Caversham
Morley, Henry E., 115 St. Peterâs rd
Morley, Henry Thomas, Leicester
house, 312 K ingâs road
Morley, Manford, 22 Junction road
Morley, Mrs. J. T., 98 London rd
Morley, Miss Edith, 50 Morgan road
Morrell, Mrs. Louisa, The Retreat, 30
Mansfield rd
Morrell, Mrs. Mary, 134 Castle street
Morris, Charles, Roseleigh, 45 AlexÂ
andra rd
Morris, George Reginald, Holiston,
46 Blenheim road
Morris, Henry J., 116 Basingstoke rd
Morris, Hutchinson, 9 Brisbane road
Morris, John, Bagshot villas, 27 South
View av., Caversham
Morris, Mrs., 4 Hemdean hill, Cav
Morris, Mrs. Chas., The Firs, 2
Christchurch gardens
Morris, Mrs. Sarah, 25 Culver rd
Morris, Mrs. Theodore H., 36 Bulmer she rd
Morris, Misses, 26 Queenâs rd
Morris, John, 24 Lome st
Morris, Reginald AV., 71 Blenheim
road, Cav
Morris, AVilliam, 100 Kendrick road
Morris, \\rilliam, 14 West st
Morris, William R., Gorphwysea,
Shinfield road
Morse, Ernest R. T., 80 Edgehill st
Mcrshead, Mrs. R., The Limes, Coley
Morton, Col., 20 Cintra avenue
Morton, Henry Joseph, The Barn,
Northcourt av
Mortimer, Edgar, Ingleberg, 32 Albert
rd, Caversham
Mortimer, Mrs. Mary, Oakley rd Cav
Mortimer, W., 65-66 Broad st
Mortimer, AVilliam, Kingsthorpe,
31 The Mount, Caversham
Mosdell, Edmund, 419 London rd
Mosdell, Joseph, 5 Eastern avenue
Moseley, Frederick, 251 Basingstoke
Moseley, Lady, The Rectory, Church
rd, Cav
Moss, A. AV., Rowley, 213 K ingâs rd
Moss, Charles, Hesketh' lodge, 304
K in gâs rd
Moss, Ernest Henry, 28 Zinzan st
Mossman, Wm., Belle Vue, 3 HemÂ
dean rise, Caversham
Mott, Frederick Thomas, The Poplars,
67 Kidmore rd, Caversham
Motton, Frederick G., 1 Highmoor
road, Cav
Moule, Launcelot A\rilliam, Stanley
house, 113 Crescent rd
Mount, Reginald C., 70 Elmhurst rd
Mountford, Edgar, 2 Mansfield rd
Montizambert, Mrs. Alice, Trelawney
Pepper lane, Earley
Moxhay, Miss Alice, 15 The Mount
Moynihan, II. T. Mowbray, Westwood
rd, Tilehurst
Muddiman, Thomas, 1 Little st
Muir-Muirhead, AV., m.d., 20 Castle
Muirhead, David, 88 Hamilton rd
Mullin, James R., 19 Denmark road
Mullins, Ernest Edward, Colwyn, 17
Albert rd, Cav
Mundy, John, 118 Tilehurst rd
Mundy, Wm. Geo., 34 Eldon rd
Munnings, F. H., Craighlea, 9 The
Mount, Caversham
Murfin, AVilliam, 7 Broadway buildÂ
ings, Station rd
Munt, Misses C. & H., 7 Sidmouth st
Murgatroyd, James, 142 Oxford rd
Murley, AVilliam A. M., 52 Erleigh
Murley, AATlliam Ashley, 25 Argyle st
Murley, WilliamJamesM.,16 Eldon rd
Murray, John Allan, 14 College rd
Murrell, G.F., m.b ., Blenheim lodge,
104 London rd
Murton, Samuel, Ewelme, Newcastle
Mussell, Harry, AVoodfalls, 121
AA7antage rd
Musson, Miss H. E., High School for
girls, Kendrick rd
Mutsaars, D r., 55 Christchurch rd