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Winterbotham, Mrs. A. L., 139
Williams, William Bullivant, J.P., St
London rd
Peter's hill, Caversham
Winterton, George Stanley, Pendover,
Willis, Ernest, 12 Church st, Cav
Northcourt av
Willis, Thomas, Westerleigh, 48 St.
Wisdom, Albert, Milton cottage, 280
Bartholomewâs rd
Hemdean road, Caversham
Willison, Herbert R., 58 College rd
Wise, Benjamin, 5 Castle crescent
Willmott, Harry, The Shubbery,
George E., 96 Southampton st
Whitley Wood lane
Wise, Walter Jas., 85 Addington rd
Willson, W., 92 Whitley Wood lane
William, Oxford cottage, 20
Willmot, Mrs. Beatrice, Woodcote
Conisboroâ av., Caversham
Brae, 14 Woodcote rd, Caversham
Witherington, D. H., 71 Hamilton rd
Willoughby, George, 65 South st
Witherington, Mrs. Ilted, Keneval,
Wills, C. H., 34 Erleigh rd
Shin field road
Wilson, Alfred James, Kenilworth,
Withers, Mrs. James, Oaklands, 49
00 Talfourd av
Hamilton rd
Wilson, Ernest, 407 London rd
Withers, The Misses, Brasmar, 23
Wilson, Henry, Lower Redlands
Denmark road
lodge, Craven rd
Withers, T. C., 57 London st
Wilson, Mrs. James H., Holland
Edward John Tomkiss, 30
house, 55 Western Elms avenue
Priest hill, Caversham
Wilson, Rowland H., 15 Christchurch
Brereton, 51 b MinÂ
ster street
Wilson, Thomas, Arundel, Hemdean
Wix, Edgar W., 642 Oxford rd
road, Caversham
Wollcott, Herbert, St. Helens, 33
Wiltshire, Albert Wm., OrchardHamilton road
leigh, 83 Pell st
Wolters, Albert William, Desmond,
Wiltshire, Herbert V., 163 Friar st
Oaklev rd, Cav
Wiltshire, J., 122 Caversham rd
Womersiey, Miss Mary, 4 Milman rd
Wiltshire, Sydney, 8 Broadway
Wooberry, John, 76 Bulmershe rd
Buildings, Station rd
Wood, Miss Mary, 104 London st
Winder, William Priory, Caversham
Wood, Thomas, 8 Priest hill, Cav
grange, Kidmore rd, Caversham
Woodall, Francis W. 87 Waverley rd
Windsor, Albert, 30 Melrose av
Windsor, Ernest, 129 Wantage rd
Ilughenden, Northumberland av
Wing, Robert, 355 London rd
Woodeson, Alfred, 41 Armour road,
Wing, William, 124 Westfield rd,
Woodeson, Frank, Croton, Victoria
Winkworth, Alfred, 46 Priest hill,
road, Tilehurst
Woodeson, Richard, Charlton villa.
Winser, Rowland, 25 Queen Victoria
Armour rd, Tilehurst
Woodeson, Thoma Hcnrv, Cedars
Winslow, Alfred E., 46 West st
villa. Armour rd, Tilehurst
Winter, Frank, San Remo, 8 DenÂ
Woodgate, William, 26 London rd
mark rd
Woodhouse, Alfred, 32 Carey street
Winter, George, 3 Donnington rd
Woodland, Edward J., 2 Brownlowrd
Winter, John, 46 Eastern av
Woodland, Henry Jas., 70 Castle st
Winter, John V., 155 Oxford rd
Woodland, Mrs. E., 51 Castle st
Winter, Mrs. Annie M., 67 South st
W. George, 59 Pell st
Winter, Walter, 65 South st
Woodley, Albert D., Little Johnâs lane
Winter, Walter E., Westgate, 19
Woodley, Ernest J., St. Elmo, 12
Eldon rd
Priory avenue, Caversham
Winter, William, Grafton, 9 HemÂ
Woodley, Edward H., 75 Addington rd
dean rise
Woodley, Herbert E., 82 Hamilton rd
Winter, William H., 8 Kendrick rd